Inspired by DC Comics, the American superhero TV series “The Flash” follows the character Barry Allen, who was struck by lightning, which resulted in him getting a superpower of Speed. The show’s last season displayed Allen fighting the villain Godspeed and Everd Thorne, who is also known as “Reverse Flash.” Season 8, which is also called “Armageddon,” will bring to its audience a huge crossover event with characters from DC TV’s “Arrowverse.”
The series was initially released as a spinoff series. Based in the Arrowverse, the show is a mix of various other TV series of the universe as well. The show began making its latest and eighth Season on February 3, 2021.
Set in the graphic novel format, the show continues that way through the eighth season. Showrunner Eric Wallace mentioned in his works about a new character against the hero. The villain is described as a very scary person, and that his appearance will dive him into a world of horror and the supernatural.
In September 2021, Wallace said that Joe West would “have a completely different view of life, which would lead him to make very big choices.”
The Creators and the Cast
“The Flash” is a creation of collective efforts by Andrew Kreisberg, Greg Berlanti, and Geoff Johns. The main cast will show Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Candice Patton as Iris, and Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin. The show will also see Danielle Nicolet as Cecile, Kayla Compton as Allegra, Brandon McKnight as Chester, and Jesse L. Martin as Joe West.
Returning from previous seasons, we will continue seeing Tony Curran as Despero, Carmen Moore as Kristen, and Jessica Parker as Nora. However, the show has a few names for Guest appearances too, such as Javiciz Leslie for playing Batwoman, Brandon Routh for playing The Atom, Cress Williams for Black lightning, and a few more.
Release Date
The eighth season of “Flash” has already begun streaming on CW on Tuesday, November 16th, 8 pm ET onwards. The show is also available on FuboTV. Two weeks before the premiere, on November 5, 2021, the CW made an announcement regarding their midseason schedule for the show.
They said that after “Armageddon,” the series will come back in March with a different scheduled date. They further informed that The Flash will air on Wednesdays after “Armageddon,” i.e., starting from March 9, 2022.
About the 8th Season
Prior to the eighth season’s premiere, showrunner Wallace confirmed that the season would comprise 18 episodes. Episodes one to five of the season are crossover-based episodes, with many characters from the Arrowverse itself. The CW President Pedowtiz said that the episodes would “not quite be a crossover, but it will have a crossover-type feel”.
However, in the month of July this year, Showrunner Wallace said that crossover episodes wouldn’t be exactly like a crossover. The episodes are named Armageddon Part 1, 2, 3, and so on. The second episode will be aired on November 23.