Based on the South Korean drama with the identical title, The Good Doctor is an American television series produced by David Shore for ABC. In its fifth season, The Good Doctor has aired 79 episodes, developed through Sony Pictures Television along with ABC Studios. Shore serves as the series showrunner. During the summer of 2021, ABC decommissioned the project for a new series that premieres on September 27, 2021.
As Shaun Murphy, a young savant surgeon at San Jose’s fictional St. Bonaventure Hospital, Freddie Highmore plays the part of Shaun.
September 25, 2017, marked the premiere of the series. Generally mixed reviews have been given to The Good Doctor, with many praising Highmore’s performance while criticizing the series’ storylines. Many critics have also expressed disagreement with how the series portrays autism. Five seasons of the series will premiere on September 27, 2021. A renewal was announced in May 2021.
Release Date for Season 5 Episode 4 of The Good Doctor
On Monday, 25th of this month, at 10 PM Eastern Time, ABC will air episode 4 of The Good Doctor season 5. A day after ABC airs it, it will also be available on Hulu. There is no word on how many episodes there will be for the ongoing season. The next episode’s production credits and direction have not yet been released.
How to Stream The Good Doctor Season 5 Online – Where to Watch
Mondays are the days when ABC broadcasts the latest segments of The Good Doctor season 5. Additionally, Hulu and ABC’s official websites have streaming options for the show. Many streaming TV services are also available for the show. The Good Doctor can also be watched on Netflix for people living outside of the US. There are several services that allow viewers to stream live TV, including Hulu with Live TV and YouTube TV.
Episode 4 Recap: What Were the Events in the Past on The Good Doctor Season 5
As the season progresses, Shaun and Salen find themselves increasingly at odds. She is audacious and peculiar, and she brings her own ways to St. Bonaventure. In the moments after arriving at the hospital, she made a dramatic change. She was, however, bound to cause conflict with Shaun due to the way she wanted to run things. This upsets Shaun greatly. The episode featured a motorcycle accident patient that Shaun and his colleagues treated.
He came up with the idea after an epiphany, requiring three surgeries for facial reconstruction. However, Shaun’s recommendation of three operations is an expensive one for Salen. Salen ends up winning the argument with Dr. Lim after she confronts her about it. Glassman then visits Dr. Lim to discuss what happened with Salen and to discuss the surgeries.
The insurance company won’t help Aaron because he is not sure if they are even going to. Salen’s changes in this regard find Shaun also complaining to Glassman later on. When Aaron asks for the old way to be restored, he simply isn’t interested. Eventually, Andrews and Salen find common ground as they discuss the surgery.
Episode 4’s Promotional Breakdown
The Good Doctor season 5 episode 4 currently does not have an official synopsis available. It does, however, appear to be doing a couple of interesting things. Shaun continues his fight with Salen over how things are run in episode 4. The doctors will treat a young patient in the following episode.
Shaun is more concerned about his father than the patient kid. A promotional video shows Salen introducing the infant and his father to Shaun and Andrews.
Despite the promo showing him to be unreasonable, the father of the kid seems reasonable. In the episode, the doctors might debate Salen’s directive, as the title suggests.