Created by Noémie Saglio, Chris Lang, and Julien Teisseire, The Hook Up Plan is a romantic series that initially debuted with its foremost season back in 2018. The story follows the protagonist’s life named Elsa, who post her break up fonds difficult to move in life. Seeing her struggle for two years since the separation, her friends Émilie and Charlotte decide to set her up with an Escort.
The hilarious outcomes ensue as the lead falls in love with the escort. Despite the not-so-favorable feedback from the critics, the show went on to gain a considerable fan following and led it to create three seasons. With the third installment released recently, fans would be wondering as to whether the subsequent season is on the cards or not? Well, let us tell you what we think about it.
Will There be Season 4 of The Hook Up Plan?
In December of 2020, the streaming giant Netflix came out with the news of ending the series with its third installment. Yes, the third season of The Hook Up Plan was the finale edition of the show that was released with its eight episodes on January 1, 2022.
However, the platform revealed no apparent reason for ending this French series. Still, as far as the story was concerned, it was wise enough for the creators to end it with an appropriate conclusion without dragging it unnecessarily. Thus, it becomes highly unlikely that season 4 of this romantic show will ever be made.
What Happened in Season 3 of The Hook Up Plan?
Unlike the first two seasons of the show that primarily dealt with young love, heartbreak, and overcoming the pain, the third installment had the characters Julio, Elsa, and her pals in their maturity, where issues of family bond and motherhood were given the center.
With stepping into the new phase of their lives, it was an intentional shift by the show’s makers to give its characters a meaningful ending. The finale season had Elsa ready to begin her family with her love interest Julio and their son.
While rejoicing the moments with her pals about how things initially started between her and Julio and went on to turn into something she never imagined. She also felt content with the friendship she shared with her friends, who were always there for her. Thus, with the protagonist’s story receiving a valuable ending, it becomes a no-brainer that season 4 is tough to occur.
Who were All There in The Hook Up Plan?
The main cast of the show comprises Zita Hanrot essaying Elsa Payette’s character, Josephine Drai essaying the character of Emilie Chestnut, Sabrina Ouazani essaying the character of Charlotte Ben Smires, and Syrus Shahidi essaying the character of Antoine Ben Smires.
Marc Ruchmann is essaying the character of Julio Saldenha, Guillaume Labbé essays the character of Maxime “Max” Pauillac, Tom Dingler essays the character of Matthieu, Yvan Naubron essays the character of Ludivine de Chastenet, and others.
Where to Watch The Hook Up Plan?
Being a Netflix original, all the three installments of the show can be enjoyed on the streaming giant. Season 3 released this New Year in its entirety on the platform. As the fans wouldn’t be able to see more of Elsa’s story, they can still rejoice in her story in three seasons and say the final goodbye to her.