The House is an upcoming adult dark comedy animated series that will be released in 2022. Paloma Baeza, Emma de Swaef, Niki Lindroth von Bahr, and Marc James Roels are the directors of this anthological series. Nexus Studios in London has partnered with Netflix to produce the series.
The plotline of the series depicts three different stories that revolve around the same house. These stories are set in different time periods and involve a different set of characters for each story. This stop motion dark comedy series is all set for its release in the year 2022 digitally and will be amongst the first ones to be released in the new year.
When Is It Coming To Netflix?
The House is a British dark comedy anthological animated series that is all set to release in the first month of 2022. The official date of release, according to Netflix, is on January 14, 2022. The series is waited with great anticipation by the fans who are eager to know what the series has incorporated in order to keep the viewers hooked.
Where To Watch It?
Directed by Niki Lindroth von Bahr, Emma de Swaef, Paloma Baeza, and Marc James Roels. The House is one of the highly anticipated animated series to be released this year. According to the official announcements, The House will be premiered digitally on Netflix. Those who want to watch The House can do so exclusively on Netflix. The series cannot be viewed on any other OTT Platforms as of now.
What Is The Series About?
The plotline of the series depicts three different stories that revolve around the same house. These stories are set in different time periods and involve a different set of characters for each story. Since the story depicts different periods of time, it shows how a poor family, a developer who is very anxious as well as a landlady who seems frustrated and fed up are tied to the same house in a very mysterious kind of way.
Not much is known about the plot of the series, but however, the official synopsis seems much intriguing, and it must keep the audience hooked. The genre of dark comedy has been loved by the audience ever since, and the makers are hoping that The House too will be received by the same love. Three episodes are the total count for which the series will be running, depicting three different stories.
Who Is In The Cast?
The makers have not released any official information about the characters of the series. However, there is a long list of the voice for all three stories, which suggests that there will be many vibrant characters.
The voice cast for Story 1 includes Josh McGuire, Mia Goth, Claudie Blakey, Matthew Goode, Mark Heap, Miranda Richardson, and Stephanie Cole. The voice cast for Story 2 includes Jarvis Cocker, Dizzee Rascal, Yvonne Lombard, Sven Wolter. The voice cast for Story 3 includes Paul Kaye, Helena Bonham, Will Sharpe and Susan Wokoma.