The Ink Master is a competition-based reality show where many talented tattoo artists compete against each other just to obtain that honorable title of “The Ink Master.” The reality show had already released a total of thirteen seasons, and people are streaming the show while appreciating the art. Now, the news of the latest inclusion of shows by Netflix has made the audience much more enthusiastic.
Season 4 of The Ink Master has been included as one of the shows which can be streamed on the most popular and renowned OTT platform, Netflix. So, all the tattoo lovers out there look forward to it because, who knows, you might get another idea about a tattoo design that you would love to get inked.
Netflix To Include The Ink Master Season 4 On The Platform
The news of The Ink Master season 4 to get included among the list of the shows that can be streamed on Netflix had already created a lot of buzz among the fans. This amazing show will once again make the audience fall in love with the art form.
Things You Must Know Before Streaming The Ink Master Season 4
Originally, The Ink Master Season 4 was premiered on February 25, 2014, on the original network Spike. The season concluded on May 20, 2014. The Ink Master season 4 has a total of 13 episodes. The host of the reality show was Dave Navarro. The number of contestants who were competing for the title of “Ink Master” was seventeen in total.
Who Were The Judges And Panelists For The Ink Master Season 4?
The competition-based reality show had an amazing line-up of judges and panelists. The judges for Ink Master Season 4 were Chris Núñez and Oliver Peck. The special characteristic of the show is that the decision is not only that of the judges, but they even take into consideration the decision of the audience as well.
The audience used to vote through Facebook and Twitter for the tattoos that were available to vote for. This voting has a huge impact on the following season as the tattoo which receives the most voting has higher chances to return for the next season.
Then there is also a Human Canvas Jury. The main work of this jury is to vote for the best tattoo and for the worst tattoo for that particular day. This had a huge impact on the final result. Also, the elimination tattoo winner’s pick had a huge impact on the final result. The winner always got a chance to put someone at the bottom of the ranking list.
Who Are The Contestants For The Ink Master Season 4?
The contestants of the show have great experience in a particular field. They are such talented artists that their work will leave you in awe.
The list of the contestants for the particular season includes Scott Marshall, Walter “Sausage” Frank, Matti Hixson, Sean Patrick “Halo” Jankowski, Melissa Monroe, Jay “Gentle Jay” Blonde, Lydia Bruno, Kyle Dunbar, James “Jim” Francis, Josh “King Ruck” Glover, Keith Diffenderfer, Aaron “Bubba” Irwin, Roland Pacheco, Randy Vollink, David Bell, Ashley Bennett, and Damon Butler.
What Will The Winner Get As A Reward?
As it had been already mentioned, that the winner will receive the title of the “Ink Master” but that is just not the only prize. The winner will also be receiving a cash prize of $100,000 along with a feature in the famous magazine named “Inked Magazine”. But to know who won the competition and got the reward, you need to watch the show “The Ink Master,” which will be streaming on Netflix.