The last days of Ptolemy Grey, United States-based TV series broadcasted on Apple TV+ on 11 March 2022. The whole series is based on the popular novel written by Walter Mosley. This series is directed by Ramin Bahrani, Debbie Allen, Hanelle Culpepper, and Guillermo Navarro and has executive producers as Diane Houslin, Samuel L. Jackson, Walter Mosley, David Levine, Eli Selden, and Ramin Bahrani.
The first episode of the TV series named “Reggie” was released on March 11, 2022, at midnight on Apple TV+ and the second episode named “Robyn” was also released on March 11, 2022, on the same platform. And the latest episode of the TV series that is Episode number three is going to be premiered at midnight on March 18, 2022, on Apple TV+. The dates of all the episodes are already announced and according to them, they are broadcasted.
Where to Watch?
“The last days of Ptolemy Grey” TV series, exclusively premiered only on Apple TV+ and no other platform. And all the other episodes of the series will release on the same platform. Therefore, you need to have a subscription to Apple TV+ to get access to the old and the latest episodes of “The last days of Ptolemy Grey” series. The language of the whole series is American English and the watch time is around forty-seven to fifty-seven minutes per episode.
The story of the TV series revolves around a ninety-one years old man named Ptolemy grey. He is all alone and does not have any friends or family to be with because they all forget him. And he himself does not remember anything about his past life.
But his destiny gave him an enormous opportunity to recover his past life and memory step by step while solving a case of his nephew’s death. And then the story takes many turns; which reveal his identity slowly to him and opens up many hidden pages of his life that he didn’t know about.
What to Expect?
As this TV series is starring Samuel L. Jackson as Ptolemy Grey, the main character of the series, there are no questions for poor acting. Along with Samuel, the series stars Percy Drags IV and DeRon Horton as the main leads, which is amazing as their acting in this series.
The storyline has so many twists and turns, but overall the story is very emotional and attaching. The IMDB rating of the TV series is 7/10and on Rotten tomatoes, it is 87%. Many people out there like this series.
But people who like to have action sequences, instead of emotional feel will not be able to relate to the story as it manipulates your feelings and does not contain many action sequences. So, do not expect much from the drama except the excellent level of acting and dialogue delivery time.