The Last Kingdom produced by Netflix, is a historical fantasy drama series based on The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell. The show has progressively done well, even making a few appearances on the top 10 lists in European countries like France and Germany.
The story of the show follows the Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a Saxon raised by Vikings. It’s the story about how he survives life from beginning to end. On 7th July of last year, the show was renewed for its next. Final season in a fun Instagram post involving all the actors of the series.
Release Dates for the Upcoming Season
The fourth and latest season of the show was released on April 26th last year with ten episodes of 1 hour each and was meant with a remarkable response by the fans. When the announcement about the next season was made, it was announced that the filming for the same would begin in November. Despite the global pandemic, the team made it happen. Currently, the filming and production are ongoing as per the schedule and is being shown mainly in Hungary. If everything continues to stay on track, it is predicted that we will be able to see the next season of the show released at the end of 2021 or in the early months of 2022.
Cast For the Fifth Season
Although the official cast list has not been released by the show, it is expected that the series regulars will all return for the upcoming season. This includes Alexander Dreymon playing Uhtred, Arn as Fedara Vicius playing Sihtric, Millie Brady playing Aethel flaed, Mark Rowley playing Finan, and Emily Cox playing Brida.
An interesting aspect of season 5 is the fact that many characters will see a significant jump in age, which may mean that some of the younger characters will be recast with more age-appropriate talent.
Possible Storyline
Since the series is based on the series of books – this season will not have too many surprises to the viewers who have already read the books, but what exactly it will capture, from possibly the 9th and 10th books – ‘Warriors of the Storm’ and ‘The Flame Bearer’.
The ending of season 4 – with an unsettling understanding between the Danes and Saxons will obviously see repercussions in the upcoming season. Other storylines that will surely be furthered include those of Uhtred’s children. The battle scenes may return, more intensified and filled with characters that have passed the test of time and gained much more knowledge.
With the 5th season possibly the final of the series, it is definitely worth catching up on the past four before the next releases so that you can binge all of the fifth season at once!