It is an American reality-based tv series that focuses on the domestic life of a heavy metal singer named Oozy Osbourne and his family, including his wife named Sharon and their daughter named Kelly, and a son named Jack.
Overview of Season 1
In the reality show’s first season, Oozy and his family were featured except his other daughter named Aimee, as she refused to participate.The series mainly focuses on the family as to how they dealt with Sharon’s cancer and then an ATV accident that almost killed Oozy.
Overview of Season 2
The second season of the reality tv series was released on December 3, 2002, with 20 episodes in total. This season of the series was divided into two parts with 10 episodes each. In this season, there are so many interesting facts along with paranormal activities.
This season will not focus on the domestic or household stuff; instead, this time, the Osbournes’ family is out on a hunt for paranormal activity that makes them and the audience excited. In the second, Jack will be reuniting with his family, and then he will share the best paranormal experiences, which are shot on cameras.
Recap of Episode 7 of Season 2
The last released episode of the latest season that is episode 7 of season 2 was named as playing with dolls, which was released on September 25, 2021. As the name suggests, this episode will be based on some paranormal activity which includes dolls.
Expected Release Date of Episode 8 of Season 2
Episode 8 of season 2 will be out soon, and the hype for this is so high just because of its content. The second season is a lot more engaging and exciting than the first one. The eighth episode of the second season is officially going to be released or to be premiered on October 3, 2021. This latest episode will be named as memories, mermaids, and more.
As the name suggests, this episode has something to do with mermaids, and it could have an underwater setting. So we don’t have to wait for so long to witness the next and the latest episode that is the eighth episode of the reality tv series. This wait is going to be over soon as the dates have already been disclosed.
Watch it or Skip it?
This reality tv series is just amazing, so just can’t ignore or skip it. It has a lot of amazing things that excite us in different ways. People are so curious to find out what’s next in the upcoming episodes, with so much excitement and interest. This is all because of the content or the plot, which is just perfect to be true. So yes, it is a must-watch reality tv series that everyone should watch and those who love paranormal things should be the ones definitely watching it.
In short, all the paranormal stuff lovers must watch this amazing series, and it has something good to keep you excited all the time. So yes, it is definitely a must-watch reality tv series.