The Sex Lives of College Girls is one of the most famous American comedy-drama show. The shows tell us about four bright teen girls Whitney, Bela, Kimberely, and Leighton, who got admitted to a prestigious fictional institute in New England. As their unique college experiences unfold, the four of them have an opposites-attract, push-and-pull connection.
Oh, and also about their sex lives. Research, wild parties, and hidden affairs are all saturated with transparency and curiosity first and main, leaving provocativeness and criticism at the exit. Sex is skilfully intertwined throughout the plot as a tool for the actors’ inner development.
Season 1 Finale Reales Time And Where To Watch?
As of December 5, only two episodes are left of season 1 of this show. The show consists of ten episodes, and eight have already have been released. The last two final episodes of the show will be launched on December 9 before Christmas eve. Viewers can watch this show on Thursday at 3 pm according to the Eastern Time on HBO max with a subscription.
Episode 9 Spoiler
The Sex Lives of College Girls Season 1 Episode 9′ may take place after Nico’s birthday bash, which is arranged by Leighton. Things between him and Kimberly may go much worse after his split with her. Carla’s absence has hurt Bella, especially because no one loves her.
In addition, she discovers the truth about Carla and Ryan. As a result, in future episodes, Bella is likely to take action rather than let the situation go its way.
Episode 8 Recap
Whitney finally admits to her affair, and Kimberly learns essential information and plans a dinner for Bella. Leighton throws a huge party for her brother and invites her housemates as well. She also planned to surprise her partner with an unexpected visit, but when Kimberly found out, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Nico apologizes heartily, but he decides not to interact with her anymore.
Kimberly snatches the image file Nico provided to test her as she walks away. Furthermore, Whitney will assist the squad in reaching the Nba Finals. When questioned if she had an affair with Coach Dalton, Whitney, as predicted, declined, recognizing that it would endanger her profession and her family’s candidacy.
The problem was complicated further when the cab driver testified to seeing a player hugging the coach. As a result, Whitney accepted the reality and was certain that her future was not damaged.
Will There Be A Second Season?
Unfortunately, there is no news or signs indicated for the renewal of the second season of the show. The makers of the show are analyzing the popularity and rating of the series so far. Based on the ratings, we can hope for the good news of the second season soon.
Meanwhile, fans really show lots of love and appreciation for season 1. The final two upcoming episodes of the show “The Cheating” and “The Truth” is also filled with lots of drama, suspense, and of course romance.