The Simpsons is an animated series created by Matt Groening. The series is typically about the life of the Simpsons’ family. The family resides in a fictional town. The comical situations, the characterization of the characters, and the storyline are created to keep this series going on for a long time.
If you’re someone born after 1990, then you’re probably younger to the series. Yes, you read that right. The first episode of the Simpsons was released in the year 1989. Kudos to the team! It really wonders me how can a team go on for straight 33 seasons with a never boring storyline.
Over time they have introduced more than 100 characters. It might be difficult to track them all down, but their characters are all unique and wonderfully scripted. Before we jump into what the upcoming episode has in store for us, we’ll walk through the Simpsons’ journey so far.
A Brief Walk-Through – The Simpsons
The Simpsons are about a dysfunctional family. Homer works as a safety inspector. He is married to Marge and the couple has three kids namely Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Most episodes are centered on Bart as he is the trouble-maker. Three decades have passed by and still, none of the characters have aged.
How Did the Simpsons Come So Far?
The show is currently over three decades old. Initially, the show was about little troubles the family face and how they overcome them. Humour was the prior language of this show. However, they managed to keep up with the audience by adapting to the current trend. The Simpsons have now become a brand.
What Happened In the Previous Episode?
So far, 15 episodes have been released in season 33 of The Simpsons. In the last episode, Bart asks Homer for a pair of shoes. He later gets humiliated when people come to know the shoes aren’t real. To make it up for the humiliation, the cool kid delivers him with more supplies. Bart later teaches him to skate and becomes an inspiration to a new shoe model.
On the other side, Homer uses the supplies to show off among his friends and later realizes he is better when he is simply Homer.
The Simpsons, Season 33 Episode 16: Release Date
Episode 16 is to be released on March 27, 2022. The audience already can’t wait for the release of the episode. Even though these episodes don’t have any surprise element in them, the humor itself seems to be more than enough to create excitement and to keep the show moving forward.
Season 33 Episode 16 – Where to Watch?
The show is exclusively made for FOX. Therefore, the episodes will be available to the audience on FOX. Also, the show is made available in Disney+ Hotstar. Yes, that’s right. All the seasons, beginning from 1989 till today are available in Disney+. Each season has 22 episodes with a run time of 20 to 22 minutes.
Season 33, Episode 16 – “Pretty Whittle Liar” – What to Expect?
Seems like Brandine, the wife of Cletus visits the Simpsons’ family. The ladies have a great time together. The episode is also expected to be around Maggie and her day in school. Later, Cletus discovers that Brandline has been hiding her secret love and questions her. Towards the end of the day, it seems like Homer and Marge spend some quality time together.
It’s easy to create a comic series to entertain people. But keeping us entertained throughout a three-decade journey seems nearly impossible. The Simpsons team has done an excellent job and hoping for them to match the expectations of the audience in their subsequent episodes as well.