The Simpsons, created by Matt Groening, debuted on Fox on December 17, 1989. It is a satirical American sitcom based on America’s life, culture, society, and people. It is one of the most sustained series in the American sitcom genre. Season 33 of the satire is ongoing, and the next episode will release on Fox on May 22, 2022.
It is announced that The Simpsons has been renewed for the next season already on March 3, 2021. Simpson’s moments have influenced people in many ways, making them more open-minded, talkative, funny, and positive. Being an animated sitcom, it has reached a point where all people around the globe love it.
About Season 34
The Simpsons was renewed for the next season on March 3, 2021. Season 33 and season 34 renewals were announced together; and now the show is ongoing with its latest season, 33. On Fox, the next episode of season 33 will air on May 22, 2022.
Season 34 Release And What We Know
As of now, there is no news about the season 34 release date; as the 33rd season is yet to finish. According to the previous releases, season 34 will release by the fall of 2022. And to be precise, September 25, 2022, will be the exact release date.
The Simpsons are considered a satirical American animated sitcom where an American family the Simpsons is portrayed in the fictional town of Springfield. The family consists of five, including the father Homer, mother, Marge, and their three children, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. They also have a dog named Santa’s Little Helper and a cat, Snowball V, renamed as Snowball II.
The Simpsons have an expanded character range which includes Homer’s co-workers, each of the family members’ friends, close and distant relatives, school teachers of their children, and other officials and workers of the town of Springfield.
The Simpsons have gained popularity worldwide because of its satirical depiction of the American people, which induces fun and seriousness at the san Payment. Homer is a nuclear power plant safety inspector, Marge being Marge, a typical American housewife and a mother.
Show Rating
The Simpsons have been popular for so many years. It has a rating of 8m7/10 on IMDb, 85% on Rotten Tomatoes, and 7.2/10 on the Rating Graph.