This is an amazing American sitcom. The series shows typical American life through the Simpsons family. The family consists of Homer, Maggie, Marge, Bart, and Lisa. The show is set in a fictional city named Springfield. The show has successfully completed 32 seasons so far.
About the Show
The show is basically known for its wide range of characters. These characters live in the fictional city, Springfield. The father, Homer, is a safety inspector in the nuclear power plant situated in Springfield. His wife, Marge, is a very monotonous housewife and a loving mother. The three children are Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Bart is a ten-year-old kid who is an absolute troublemaker. He loves to prank.
Lisa is an eight-year-old girl, and Maggie is a baby and can’t speak clearly, but she uses her pacifier to communicate. The family shown here is dysfunctional, but as the episodes proceed, you might grasp that they love each other a lot and care for each other.
Season 33 Episode 9 Release
This episode will show Grampa missing his beloved Mona, urging him to look for her. And Homer already has a huge task on his shoulders because he took up a job that used to frighten him the most. Though he did manage to finish that. But then he saw a very sad sight during that time, and he saw his friend, Waylon, who had been feeling lonely for years together.
But then he found someone who would be okay to give company to Waylon, so Homer decides to set them up. After that, Homer feels like a matchmaker after doing this job, but soon he realizes that he set up Waylon with a very interested person in business. And this fellow has started his business here too, but Springfield is getting affected due to this.
Season 33 Episode 9 Release Date
The episode is all set to be released on November 28, 2021. The title of the episode is “Mother and other strangers.“ It will be available to watch on fox at 8:00 pm. You can also look up this show on Disney+ Hotstar. The episodes are going to be released weekly on Sundays only.
What can You Expect from the Episode?
As mentioned, the show will show Grampa missing his dearly beloved wife, and he will go out and look for her. And this makes Homer too tag along so that he would be able to find her for him. And this episode will show how these two connect with each other as they go out on a trip to find Mona.
The trip will lead them closer as they will be talking about the past, realizing many things, so we can expect this episode to be truly entertaining and inspiring. We hope that you enjoy the show and for those of you who don’t know about it, you should watch the show from the beginning to get a better insight into the show.