The Voice Season 21 have hit the screens recently on September 20, 2021, on NBC official. The show revolves around contestants who the judges select on the basis of their singing skills. Each of the judges has a buzzer to hit that will enable them to see who the artist is performing, but the twist is that the contestant should have some extraordinary singing talent that would make the judges turn around. And if none of the judges turn back, then the contestant has to leave as in he is not selected.
This season we have Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, and John Legend as coaches who have been with us throughout the journey of the show. But this time, Nick Jones has been replaced by Ariana Grande.
What Happened in Episode 6 of The Voice?
The sixth episode showed us many auditions ranging from Aaron Hires to Shadale. The first round of the blind auditions started with Aaron himself, who is a wedding singer by profession. His voice was mesmerizing as he sang Heartbreak Anniversary and his target of appeal was none other than John who also reverted back the same feeling after turning towards him, followed by other judges. However, he was eventually selected in team Kelly.
Another Contestant category consisted of a team named KCK3 who sang No Tears Left to Cry. When Ariana Grande heard them singing, she couldn’t hold herself back in excitement and ended up adding them to her team.
Then came the artist, who brought in a little bit of joyful moment as his singing got Blake and John to get into a battle. The guy named Tommy Edwards performed on Drops of Jupiter that ! are him get into the team of Blake eventually. After he came, Shadale, who was the last person to get selected in John’s team, sang That’s What I Like. Then there was Parker McKay, who brought in everyone’s attention, especially Kelly’s.
What to Expect from Episode 7 of The Voice Season 21?
The seventh episode of The Voice Season 21 is titled ‘The Battles Premiere that will introduce us to the battle rounds. In the upcoming week, we might get a chance to witness the entry of many great legendary artists Kristin Chenoweth, Jason Aldean, Dierks Bentley, and Camila Cabello who will be seen helping the coaches during the selection process. With this, there can be a twist added to the episode where we might get to see the steal and save option that will be used by the coaches.
When Will Episode 7 of Season 21 be Airing?
Each episode of Th Voice is almost two-hour-long, and it drops on a bi-weekly basis that is one each Monday and Tuesday. The latest episode, the seventh one, will be available to watch on October 11 on NBC’s official website. Other than this, it can also be watched on DirecTV, YouTube TV, or Sling TV.
Until recently, the show has been receiving a positive response. This could also be an aftermath of Ariana Grande being the new judge, but it can be a little contribution to its success as it has been loved by the fans for years and beyond.