American singing reality competition TV show called The Voice runs on the NBC network. The Show made its debut at the time of the spring TV cycle in April 2011. Having taken inspiration from the shows The Voice of Holland and The Voice franchise, this American reality TV series has come out with twenty seasons so far.
With its twenty-first season currently in the news, the show continues to display its ultimate target to find hidden singing talent.
About The Voice Season 21
The American reality TV show recently brought to the screens The Voice Season 21, which made its debut on September 20, 2021, on NBC. The audience saw Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson and John Legend coming back as coaches. Also, Ariana Grande came to replace Nick Jonas for her first season.
On the other hand, we once again had Carson Daly for his season 21 as host. This season’s finale got to the state a number of A-list music bringing along the five finalists.
Who Were The Top 5 Finalists On The Voice Season 21?
Last Tuesday, that is, December 14, 2021, brought to the audience the Season 21 finale of The Voice. It was quite amazing this time as it was a first for a group- Team Kelly Clarkson’s Girl Named Tom, that appeared to have a high chance of winning the show. Surprisingly, the TV show’s mobile application accidentally declared the group as winners for the 21st season way ahead of the actual show time.
It all happened when it came down to picking the one from the top five final contestants. The top 5 this time were; namely, siblings’ trio “Girl Named Tom”; Hailey Mia, 14; Jershika Maple, 24; Paris Winningham, 33; and Wendy Moten, 55.
All the final participants were asked to make a performance on an upbeat song that could perfectly display their personality along with a special piece for anyone they prize in their life. Sadly, Grande’s team couldn’t make it to the final, leaving Shelton, Clarkson and John Legend still competing for another round.
About The Voice Season 21 Finale: Who won this time?
In the December 14 finale, Girl Named Tom was declared to have won The Voice Season 21. This was also noted as Kelly Clarkson’s victory as a coach for the 4th time now, and the first time a group made it to the first position on the reality show. Wendy Moten got the title for runner-up, setting the record for being the oldest runner-up to date.
When And Where Has It Been Broadcasted?
The reality TV series had hit the screens in Canada on April 26, 2011, on CTV. In Asian countries, the TV show premiered on August 21, 2011, on AXN initially, only to shift later to Star World (aka Fox Life) from Season 11. The American show also first aired in New Zealand on July 16, 2011, on TV2 and in Australia on August 9, 2011, on Go!.
For the African countries, the show came out in South Africa on October 5, 2011, on SABC 3. The eastern Asian countries got the show on March 31, 2012, in the Philippines on Studio 23, with Germany receiving the show on May 22, 2019, on Sixx, from Season 14.