The American superhero series, Titans is currently premiering its third season, with episode 11 scheduled to release on October 7. It made its debut on HBO Max, on August 12. The present season of Titans will have a total of 13 episodes, which will finally conclude on October 21. The DC show, Titans, in its first five episodes adapts the story arc of “Under the Red Hood.”
The third season develops the narrative of Jason, as he evolves from the dead, to evolve as a crazed and vengeful vigilante, Red Hood. And, the episodes also give us a notorious Batman story. If you are hooked on the series, here are a few details to look at while you wait for the release of Titans season 3 episode 11.
When and Where to Watch Titans Season 3 Episode 11?
The new episodes of Titans are dropped on HBO Max. The forthcoming episode 11 will make it to the streaming platform on October 7, 2021, at 3 am EST. Episode 11 is titled, “The Call is Coming from Inside the House.” You need a subscription to the streaming service, HBO Max, to watch the new episodes upon its release, which costs $14.99 per month for ad-free streaming. There is also a subscription package available for $9.99 a month, which gives subscribers access to the platform’s streaming library but with ads.
What Can We Expect From Titans Season 3 Episode 11 Based On Previous Episodes?
The upcoming episode may bring back some important characters whose absence we have deeply felt across the third season. Jason and Scarecrow are experiencing a dominant role in the last episodes, but with episode 11, things may change up. The contamination of the water supply of Gotham with Scarecrow’s anti-fear toxin was widely successful. It caused chaos in the city, and then Scarecrow pinned the blames on the Titans and Bruce Wayne.
We see Titans retreating because of the blame they suffer, and the city is up for destruction. The plan of Dick to bring them to surrender publicly to GCPD backfires, as the police get too rough. It leads to a fight, and in this chaos, Blackfire gets shot. To heal Blackfire, Starfire makes an attempt, but she is not able to as her sister has taken away all her powers. Raven returns and reunites with Gar, but we see the Titans’ members have to go into hiding, and they are scattered across the city.
In the upcoming episode, “The Call is Coming from Inside the House,” it will be interesting to see how the Titans will come together again, and get back to the city. There is speculation building up that Grayson will don Batsman’s mantle as the Gotham City trust Batman only. So, this theory may be possible. All of this will be confirmed only on the release of Episode 11 on October 7.
Who Is In The Cast Of Titans Season 3?
The cast of Titans season 3 includes Dick Grayson by Brenton Thwaites, Rachael Roth played by Teagan Croft, Starfire played by Anna Diop. It also includes Gar Logan played by Ryan Potter, Donna Troy played by Conor Leslie, and Jason Todd by Curran Walters.
The upcoming episode of Titans will release on HBO Max on October 7.