Tokyo Revengers is a Japanese manga series that Ken Wakul writes. Manga means a comic novel Or cartoon which is animated to make it a more effective comedy cartoon that looks like they are printed. Tokyo Revengers is an animated television series. Liden Films produce this series. For now, this series is in its first season, where it has completed 20 episodes. Now the 21st episode is ready to entertain us.
Release Date of Tokyo Revengers Episode 21
Tokyo Revengers is releasing premier on August 28, 2021; time will be according to territory region. The loyal fan base is very excited about this series, and now the wait is over for them. Takemichi and Baji are returning. It will be available online at no cost (free) from September 4, 2021. This television series started in April 2021; each weekend, we got the episode of Tokyo Revengers. During the premiere, we have to pay for it and then subscribe, and then we can watch it.
The plot of Tokyo Revengers Episode 21
Tokyo Revengers is a story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old boy lacking full time with no aim in life, and the Tokyo Manji Gang killed his loved ones. He has lost his ex-girlfriend Hinata Tachibana and her younger brother Naoto due to the gang in Tokyo. Episode 20 was in favor of Mikey. As we have seen in the 20’s episode, our Baji’s entry is there. Fans are very excited about his part in Episode 21. Takemichi goes back to 12 years to save his ex-girlfriend.
So, now he understood that he can now save Hinata with proper planning. So he started implementing his plan and trying to save Hinata and her brother. He is also searching for the reason behind Hinata’s death. In this episode, we can see what Baji’s plot will be in this. The title given to this episode is One and Only. Is Baji going to be the survivor for Takemichi? That will be the question for Fan. Mikey has defeated Kazutora.
Now the problem is for Takemichi because Draken gave him a warning in the future, so now he has to stop Mikey. This task is difficult for Mikey because Mikey is short-tempered. It isn’t easy to control him, so watching how Takemichi will handle the situation will be fascinating. Why is Baji vomiting Blood and collapsing? What is the reason? All these questions will be answered in Episode 21
Is it Worth Waiting for Episode 21 of Tokyo Revengers?
It is worth waiting for because it is a transtemporal travel story in which the boy is travelling in the future and is leading what he can do to save his friends and loved ones. But how can he stop that gang from killing people without reason? Everyone has to watch Episode 21 to know more about this story.
All can watch this series on Crunchyroll in both Japanese and English Versions.