This is a Japanese manga series about a boy named TakemichiHanagaki, who is 26 years old. He gets to know that one fine day, his ex-girlfriend and her brother, Naoto, have been killed by a gang. He is forced to come in front of a train, and his life rewinds to the past. Exactly 12 years ago. He meets Naoto exactly on the same day he was about to be killed.
With a casual handshake, Takemichi is again transported back to the present times. This creates a paradox. And this allows Naoto to stay alive in the time zone. And this time, Naoto lives the life of a detective.
Facts About the Show
Every time that Naoto shakes hands with Takemichi, he will be transported to the past. And since Takemichi is time-traveling, he knows about the future, and this time promises to save Naoto and his sister Hinata, Takemichi’s ex-girlfriend. In the past, there were instances where Takemichi’s friends we’re forced to join underground matches. Takemichi wants his friends safe, so he protects them, making the gang leader very happy. The only way in the present time that Takemichi can save his ex-girlfriend is that he has to know about that gang now.
Season 2 Release Date
There’s no official announcement by now, but we hope that like all the previous seasons usually do, the end episodes reveal the coming of the next season. The ratings for the show have been rising all this while, and that clearly depicts that the show will go on for the second season too.
The show is so well known among the audiences by now that you could begin even without giving a proper description for it. And as far as the news states, there’s just a lot of content left to be covered so we can sit back and relax that it’s happening, just that the date is not sure, but it’s happening soon.
Season 2 Cast
We know that the show’s content is important, but what delivers the show is the people who are acting for it. Just pretending to be there for the show is definitely not enough. Hence, the cast list plays a pivotal role in promoting the show; hence, we know that this is an absolutely important point.
The cast for this show, it would be soothing for the audience to see the significant people in their roles. And so we’ve got that covered for you. The significant roles won’t be reversed, and there might be small changes here and there.
- Shin Yuuki uses his voice to take up the role of TakemichiHanagaki.
- Hayashi Yuu would be playing up for Manjiro Sano.
- Suzuki Tatsuhisa would be coming up for this season as Draken
- KarinoShou would be playing the role of Chifuyu
- Toki Shunichi and Mizunaka Masaki are also going to take up the roles as Kazutora and Baji.
- MorikuboShoutarou would be taking up the role as TettaKisaki
- Lastly, WakiAzumi would be taking up the role as Hinata in this show.