Anime quotes about love and relationship are important topics in the anime series. Subscribe to get online tools and educational activities, and more. There are hundreds of anime movies that are usually about love or romance. It is widely popular among most anime viewers. It has always been extremely unique to handle this theme in many anime. The film is realistic or fantastically realistic, which gives a sense of excitement for the film, the series, or comics. These cute anime love quotes will be of great value to those who love him.
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Toggle30. “Love is simply an electrical bug in the human neural circuit.”
— Akasaka Ryuunosuke (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo)

Due to his penchant for acting coldly at times, Ryuunosuke may come off as a person without feelings, and this is understandable. However, his remark about Rita’s departure is among the best lines in anime about love.
29. “It’s Equivalent Exchange! I’ll give you half my life, so you give me half of yours!”
— Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Edward ultimately declares his love for Winry in the most heartfelt yet awkward way conceivable, making it one of the purest yet awkward love declarations in anime history.
28. “It was like you brought color to my life. You changed my life all by yourself.”
— Sawako Kuronuma (Kimi ni Todoke)

Because of her appearance, Sawako was dejected and unhappy her whole life. Everyone avoided her, but Shouta didn’t care. Finally, Sawako uses the purest expression of her precious feelings. One’s life is truly colored by only love.
27. “I’ll marry you! No matter what kind of handicap you have! Even if you can’t walk or stand, or even if you can’t have kids, I’ll still marry you. I’ll always be with you. The Yui I met here isn’t fake. It’s you. No matter where or how I meet you, I’ll fall in love with you. If I can meet you again, against the 6 billion to 1 odds, and even if your body can’t move, I’ll marry you.”
— Hideki Hinata (Angel Beats)
Hideki dedicated his life to serving others. He was willing to endure even the most trying circumstances for his friends because he always wanted to keep them safe. But he decided for himself at this precise moment. He assures Yui that he will find her and wed her in the next life, no matter what transpires.
26. “Even if I lose this feeling, I’m sure I’ll just fall in love with you all over again.”
— Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)

After waiting for years, Syaoran finally admits his affection for Sakura in a quiet, collected manner.
25. “I don’t understand you! You say you don’t love me, but act as you do! Do I have a chance or not?”
— Yoshida Haru (My Little Monster)
Yoshida Haru did fall in love with Shizuku right away, but even after she rejects his advances, she still acts as though she still feels the same way. He eventually confronts Shizuku about her Tsundere attitude after becoming confused.
24. “People’s feelings are memories that transcend time.”
— Kurisu Makise (Steins; Gate)

Makise is aware of the significance of emotions. She acknowledges that despite being one of the most well-known scientists in the world, people’s emotions and experiences may transcend time.
23. “Kurosaki-kun, you know I had a lot of things I wanted to do…I want to be a teacher…I also want to be an astronaut…And also make my own cake shop…I want to go to the sweets bakery and say, ‘I want one of everything’…Ohhh, I wish I could live five times over. Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world… I’d live five different lives with five different occupations…And then, for those five times… I’d fall in love with the same person…”
— Inoue Orihime (Bleach)
When Orihime is going to be kidnapped in one of the most heartfelt scenes in Bleach, she is granted the opportunity to say farewell to one final person. As tragic as this scene is, she chooses Ichigo, her true love, and her words are, at the very least, heartbreaking.
22. “The hardest part of loving you is knowing that eventually, it’s going to come to an end.”
– Isla (Plastic memories)

Isla is aware that her memories are soon to be lost as she draws closer to the end of her life. Because of this, she makes a valiant effort to avoid falling in love, but after falling in love with Tsukasa, she muses about how difficult it would have been for her to forget about him.
21. “Since ancient times, the dragon has been the only beast to equal the tiger. Even if you’re not by my side right now, I will leap through space and time and always be by your side. These feelings will never change.”
— Ryuuji Takasu (Toradora!)
After months of trying to convince one other to go out with their secret affections, Ryuuji and Taiga ultimately come to terms with their feelings for one another. They decide to flee and elope until Ryuuji realizes that running away won’t fix anything. Upon realizing this, Taiga abruptly departs from Ryuuji to resolve her conflict with her mother, and Ryuuji makes the decision to wait for Taiga no matter how long it takes. This remark is the most emotional way to describe the mutual respect and trust between two people.
20. “I used to always cry and give up…I made many wrong turns…But you…You helped me find the right path…I always chased after you…I wanted to catch up to you…I wanted to walk beside you all the time…I just wanted to be with you…You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I’m not afraid to die protecting you! Because…I love you…”
— Hyuuga Hinata (Naruto)

Hinata has always been a timid and humble young woman. But she would go to any lengths for her love. She expresses her long-held emotions for Naruto and strives to save him even though she knows she will die.
19. “It is not “Does she love me?” it is “How can she possibly love me?”
— Hachiman Hikigaya (OreGairu)
Hachiman is a recluse who has a pessimistic outlook on life. He challenges each indication that a female could be interested in him by offering every reason why she wouldn’t be. We can all identify with this statement because it reminds us of his experience.
18. “You’re not alone. We are partners. If you are a witch, then I’ll become a warlock.”
— Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

Lelouch was a cruel man who enjoyed himself carelessly while fooling around in Japan. But when he does ultimately fall in love, he is prepared to go beyond all boundaries to be with C2. This confession shows more than just his dedication to C2.
17. “This area feels weird; it’s been throbbing hard since that time when you told me not to go. When you held me so tight, it won’t go away. Your voice is still in my ear. What happened to me? Is this… love?”
— Mashiro Shiina (The Pet Girl at Sakurasou)
Mashiro is a stoic young woman who rarely displays emotion. However, she has felt sentiments she has never felt before while staying with Sorata at Sakurasou, and her declaration to him made it clear how she felt about him.
16. “No matter which world line, what time, or where I am, I will always love you. I’ll say it one more time; I love you.”
— Okabe (Steins; Gate)

Kurisu receives Okabe’s confession after he crosses several world lines. Kurisu does not recall much about those incidents, but Okabe demonstrates to him that his affection for her will last no matter what occurs or how much time has passed.
15. “Because nothing makes one happier than being with the one you love.”
— Isla (Plastic Memories)
Isla has finally accepted and is not ashamed of her love for Tsukasa, albeit being on the edge of losing her happy and beautiful memories.
14.” I really hate it when I miss you so much, and I can’t do anything about it.”
— Kosaki Onodera (Nisekoi)

Onodera had always kept her feelings for Ichijo hidden, but now that she is forced to confront them, she can’t stop thinking about him. Each of us has been impatient while waiting interminably to speak with our loved ones, especially when there is nothing we can do to change the situation.
13. “Just your touch… gets me excited. It makes me so happy. But those feelings will all turn into pain. The happier I am now, the more it’ll hurt. I know how cruel this is… but no matter how hard I try, I can’t rid myself of this. Nejima-kun… I… don’t know… what love is.”
— Takasaki Misaki (Koi To Uso)
For a very long period, Takasaki suppressed her affection for Nejima. Even after being paired with somebody, she attempted to move on, but her sentiments remained. We’ve all experienced unrequited love that left us helpless.
12. “Love is like a mirror that reflects your bad side. Especially when it’s unrequited, you get envious, jealous, prejudiced, and resentful. You have to face all sorts of emotions, but there’s no reason to find that shameful.”
— Margery Daw (Shakugan No Shana)

Young love is ferocious. Ogita, who has a crush on Eita, confronts Margery about her relationship with him when she is living with him. Margery soothes Ogita and imparts to her a lesson on romanticism that we can all benefit from.
11. “You may not believe me, but even before he told me his name, I felt as if I already knew who he was.”
— Takahashi Nanami (Bokura ga Ita)
Some people find the concept of falling in love at first sight to be perplexing. This notion might be more accurate for Nanami, though. She encountered Motoharu on her first day of high school, and for some reason or another, she instantly felt comfortable speaking to him.
10. “There is only one person who you can each truly love. It’s too bad that you can’t change who that person is. If you could, then you both would be a lot happier.”
— Arisugawa Juri (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

Although Arisugawa may have a strong attitude, she is weak when it comes to love. We can all relate to the sense of being unable to move on from the one person we love.
9. “I, too, am alone. It’s sad being alone. It’s painful. I felt that way too. But if we’re together, at times, we may hurt each other, and we may even part. But that is not the end. I’ll always be with you.”
— Hitomi Kanzaki (Vision of Escaflowne)
The most depressing emotion in the world is loneliness. However, Hitomi Kanzaki is of the opinion that no matter what, there is always someone at your side. They will stick by you even if you push them away, even if you are unaware of their presence.
8.” I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to a slow death.”
— Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

Lelouch spent his entire life preparing to exact revenge on his father. C2 eventually brought love into his life after leading a routine existence without any possessions of his own. Lelouch’s emotion is one that all lovers can identify with, just like Sawako’s.
7. “Love, passion, why do we get caught up by such troublesome feelings? The mind can’t ever get things straight, and you lose control of knowing what is sensible. Deep down, it’s all so vexing.”
— Usui Takumi (Maid Sama!)
Usui has the appearance of a cold-hearted playboy who does not value love as a precious thing. He expresses his anger with love and how difficult it really is in this comment, which may have something to do with the way he was raised.
6. “The two of us aren’t so different. My whole life, I’ve desired from others. I felt bitter to the people around me, and I closed off my heart. And a heart that lets nothing in will become empty before you realize it.”
— Mei Aihara (Citrus)

Mei was shocked to learn she got a step-sister so quickly, but she soon came to see that Yuzu was not all that dissimilar from her. She might reveal to Mei how she has shut off her emotions to others because of this commonality.
5. “I can’t forget the times we spent alone together. They leave me wanting more.”
— Sawako Kuronuma (Kimi Ni Todoke)
The most pure soul in Kimi Ni Todoke is Sawako. She is really lovable because of her good nature. She treasures every time she spends with Shouta because she loves him dearly.
4. “I love you, Jintan. It’s the “I want to marry you” type of I love you.”
— Meiko Honma (Anohana)

Meiko’s admission that she grew up loving Gin may be one of the most sincere in all of anime. Her feelings persisted even when she emerged from the grave as a spirit.
3. “Don’t bother telling me to run again. Trying to shoulder the burden all by yourself? Don’t be such a stranger. Weep and ask for help. Lean on me with your runny nose. Cry when you feel like crying. Laugh when you feel like laughing. When you’re tearing up with an ugly face, I’ll give you a good cry with an uglier face. When you’re laughing so much your stomach hurts, I’ll laugh in a louder voice. That’s how it should be.”
— Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)
All throughout her life, Tsukiyo relied only on herself to handle all of her challenges. However, Gintoki finally frees her from this cycle of pain and exhorts her to rely on him to protect both her and the residents of the Kabuki District.
2. “Even if you think I’m a nuisance, no matter where you go, I’ll find you. I’ll always be listening to your voice. When the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the flowers scatter, when shadow looms. In every sign, I’ll search for your voice.”
— Tada Banri (Golden Time)
Tada initially didn’t care about Koko, but after spending so much time with her, he developed feelings for her. Even if fate brings them together, Tada is dedicated to their union. And in a trying moment, when they both appeared to be falling apart, Tada jumped out to hold Koko and made a vow never to let go.
1. “What is love? It’s when your eyes start following someone, and you look for them if they’re not around. You get excited thinking you might run into him when you’re putting your shoes on in the morning. And when you don’t, it’s a little disappointing. But then you pass by him, and that makes you happy for the rest of the day. It feels like you can handle anything. Seeing him is enough to make you happy.”
— Takasaki Misaki (Koi to Uso)

Takasaki responded to Nejima’s query on what love is in the most profoundly lovely way he could.
Love quotes from anime: Do you want anime love quotes? Find some great romantic anime quotes. Love is an electrical bug that can affect our brains and our bodies. Akashiyama Ryuunosuke My Pet Girl Sakurasou. “I love you like an image that shows your negative side. Especially in a world where this is unrequited, your feelings, jealousy, prejudice, and resentment are unrequited. The moment when one finds the courage to give up his life for someone will come when one can appreciate love.
1. Name some love quotes about love other than the above list.
- “Of the days that I have lived, only those I spent with you seemed real.” – Vincent Volaju (Cowboy Bebop: The Movie),
- “You were always there for me, and that’s all I needed. Just you. For some reason, I didn’t feel sad or broken up; It just didn’t seem real. But slowly, I realized It was real – that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb.” – Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop.
- “I’ll make you so in love with me that every time our lips touch, you’ll die a little death.” – Ai Yazawa.
Related:Â The 30 Best Anime Love Quotes of All Time
2. Name some sad anime quotes?
Every person goes through periods of grief, anguish, loneliness, and intense love. When coping with personal issues, it is simple to forget that other people experience difficult times as well. Because of this, many people find it difficult to discuss their personal difficulties with others. Fortunately, depressing anime quotes can inspire you to press on despite your circumstances.
- No matter how hurt someone is, they’re meant to overcome it and try to go forward. – Mirajane Strauss
- That’s right. This world is cruel. It hit me that living was like a miracle. – Mikasa Ackerman
- I haven’t done anything yet. Getting depressed and losing confidence is way too egotistical. – Sorata Kanda
- Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar. – Monkey D. Luffy
3. Name some all the best anime quotes about love.
Read how much fate plays an important role when it comes to love; here are some quotes:
- “The world isn’t perfect. But it’s there for us, doing the best it can… that’s what makes it so damn beautiful.” — Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
- “To know sorrow is not terrifying. What is terrifying is to know you can’t go back to the happiness you could have.” — Matsumoto Rangiku (Bleach)
- “We are all like fireworks: We climb, we shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even when that time comes, let’s not disappear like a firework and continue to shine… forever.” — Hitsugaya Toshiro (Bleach)