Truth be told is an American drama television series that was first aired in the year 2019. The series is inspired from Kathleen Barber’s novel Are You Sleeping. The series is directed by Nichelle Tramble Spellman and was released on Apple TV+. The second season of Truth be Told season was aired on August 20, 2021, and 6 episodes have been released so far. Truth be Told revolved around a podcaster Poppy Parnell who looks into true crimes and is investigating Warren Cave, a convicted serial killer’s case.
Parnell must investigate in a way that guilt and innocence can be brought to light when Cave claims that he was convicted on false charges. On the other hand, the second season depicts Parnell’s investigation of the murder of her friend’s husband. Parnell has made a good name for herself, and it will be interesting to know what the makers have in store for season 2. Truth be Told, season 2 is already hitting the screens since August 2021, and episode 7 is all set to release on October 1, 2021.
Where to Watch?
Truth be Told an American crime drama series that was first released in the year 2019. Truth be Told, season 2 has hit the screens since August 20, 2021, and is all set for the release of its 7th episode. The series can be streamed exclusively on Apple+ including the previous season. Truth be Told, season 2 cannot be streamed on different digital streaming platforms like Hotstar, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video. There has been no official confirmation whether Truth be Told season 2 can be streamed on some other platform as well.
Plot and Cast
Truth be Told revolved around a podcaster Poppy Parnell, and the second season depicts Parnell’s investigation of the murder of her friend’s husband. Parnell has made a good name for herself, and it will be interesting to know what the makers have in store for season 2. Episode 7 of Truth be Told season 2 names ‘Lanterman-Petris- Short’ which might show an impending war of words between Micah and Poppy.
Micah will be investigated by Poppy which will not go down well with her, and she might have the resources to stop Poppy’s investigation in whichever way she feels. Poppy might also have some answers which she has been searching for long from Rose, someone from Micah’s past. Holt Redding is under the radar and is most likely to be caught soon, and there might be a revelation that will follow regarding the murders that took place.
The cast of Truth be Told includes Octavia Spencer who plays the lead character of Poppy Parnell, Kate Hudson plays the character of Micah Keith, Mkhi Phifer plays the character of Marcus Killebrew, Christopher Backus plays the character of Holt Redding, Tracie Thoms plays the character of Desiree Scoville, Alona Tal plays the character of Ivy Abott along with other cast members such as David Lynos, Haneefah Wood, Andre Royo, Ron Cephas Jones, etc. who play different characters.