David Goetsch, along with Maria Ferrari, developed the television sitcom the United States of Al. An ensemble cast includes Adhir Kalyan, Parker Young, Elizabeth Alderfer, Kelli Goss, Farrah Mackenzie, Dean Norris, and others. The series follows Al (played by Kalyan), a translator from Afghanistan who arrives in Columbus, along with Riley (played by Young), a Marine veteran. Presented by Warner Brothers, Chuck Lorre is the lead producer.
CNBC reports that Taliban forces quickly took control of Afghanistan a few months after Season 1’s finale when the U.S. military evacuated during Afghanistan’s Taliban takeover. Regardless of recent events, CBS has not indicated that it will alter its plans to show a second season. The United States of Afghanistan is likely to remain central to the “United States of Al” regardless of its outcome.
How Soon will the Second Season of the United States of America be Released?
The premiere of the United States of Al aired on CBS on April 1, 2021, and the series ran for 13 episodes from April 1 to June 24, 2021. CBS renewed the show for another season on May 15, 2021. Considering that the series endured rough waters during its debut, it is quite a celebration. The show was also at the center of controversy on top of its underwhelming performance on the network.
Several have expressed that the Indian-South African actor Adhir Kalyan is playing an Afghan character to their dismay. The accent of Al and his portrayal, in general, was criticized as being inauthentic. It is believed that the upcoming season is set to begin filming in summer 2021, which means we will learn more any day now.
In defense of the writers and producers, they provided all the steps they took to make the character respectful and sensitive. CBS has confirmed that in Fall 2021, the show will keep its time slot on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. Season 2 of ‘United States of America’ will be released most probably in 2021.
United States of Al: Who’s in the Cast?
Al is portrayed by Adhir Kalyan, whereas Parker Young plays Riley. Other actors in the series are Elizabeth Alderfer (who plays Lizzie), Kelli Goss (portrays Vanessa), and Farrah Mackenzie (who plays Hazel). In addition, we will see Rachel Bay Jones (Portrays Lois) and Zarmina Hamidi (Gul Bashra). There is a good chance that many of them will return for the upcoming season. In addition, we’ll see some fresh faces with this series since it features several guest stars.
Plot and is it Worth Waiting?
As both Al and Riley deal with significant changes in their lives, they undergo abundant phases of adjustment in the first season. After returning from Afghanistan, Riley detects it is challenging to get on with his life in Ohio after moving to the USA. While Riley deals with the end of his relationship with his estranged wife, Al engages in romantic misadventures of his own. The season also expresses Al’s bonds with Art, Vanessa, Lizzie, and Hazel and how he develops a special relationship with them.
Al, however, retains a deep connection to Afghanistan and his family. Riley and his family will be the focus of Al’s second season. An upcoming edition of the magazine could explore the differences between interpreting for veterans and military members.
It could have been better to air at a less controversial time. But, we know, it’s not the fault of the show directly. It is, after all, irrelevant whether recent events have impacted the show or not. It means, however, that the “United States of Al” will be scrutinized for how it approaches these challenging issues in the future.