Vanderpump Rules is a spin-off of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that aired back in time. The plot of the show revolves around Lisa Vanderpump’s employees at SUR Restaurant & Lounge, Pump Restaurant, Tom Tom Restaurant & Bar, and the West Hollywood restaurants who work on building a business while getting juggled between the interpersonal drama. From the time it has come up with its season 9, the fans are going crazy over the scenes and events that are taking place in the show.
What Happened in Season 9 Episode 2?
Let’s talk about Episode 2 of this season, which is titled ‘The Schwartz Shuffle.’ Here fans got to witness a lot of drama as Charli seems to complain about the food without telling the real reason behind her agitation. The team had gone for a trip to Palm Springs, and at the time of dinner, James created another set of drama while revealing certain facts.
Everyone was encouraging him to resolve the issue and get down with it, but luckily, Lala switched the subject of the conversation. This was not liked by Charli, who thought she was making false accusations. Then there was Sandoval and Schwartz, who were trying to name their bar as it seemed to be a little complex task.
Finally, Randall assumed that Sandoval is the one who is the best decision-maker as he can stand up for his opinions when the need arises. Then the show followed the theme of a fashion show where Schwartz came dressed up in boxer briefs, and after him came Sandoval, who took off his sheer top. Not only this, the major event that created more rumors was him putting getting a little intimidating.
What’s Next on Vanderpump Rules Season 9 Episode 3?
In episode 3, we might get to see the same fight between Lala and Charli that was dropped down in the last episode. The fight was not as easy as it seemed in the beginning. Rather many harsh wordings and truths followed it up. On the other hand, we also observed the fight between Max and James taking place, which seemed to have no end, but perhaps this episode might bring it to a halt.
And as we have noticed until now that the track of the previous episode is being continued, we might also get to see the confusion regarding the bar name still intact where Schwartz is still not able to stick to his choice.
Where And When Will The Latest Episode be Airing?
Although the series can be easily watched on the television, you can watch it on Bravo’s official website or application if you miss it somehow. Episode 3 will be hitting the screens on October 12, 2021. And if somehow, you will not be able to catch up with the latest episodes, then get the subscriptions of Amazon Prime Video or iTunes.
Although there are various other platforms too where you can catch up on the latest episodes, sticking to these will help you get the comfort you deserve and desire.