The British drama series Vigil was the creation of Tom Edge and produced by Angie Daniell for the production company World Productions. The series made its way in August this year on BBC One and has six parts, ultimately concluding in September this year. It will have its debut in the United States on December 23, 2021, on Peacock Network.
The series has received a 7.3/10 score on IMDb and 77% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, making it overall a good watch. If you wonder whether Vigil’s second season is on the cards and when we will be able to see it, then we have got you covered!
Are We Eyeing Towards the 2023 Release of Vigil Season 2?
As of now, no official say has been made by the creators of the show about its comeback for season 2. However, Tom Edge, the creator, has teased the possibility of season 2 being in the works. But still, we will have to wait for the official announcements. And if the show gets a green light for the subsequent season, then the filming wouldn’t begin until mid-next year, making the release of the second installment not earlier than 2023.
What will Vigil Season 2 be About?
The premise of season 1 of Vigil focussed on the strange disappearance of a fishing trawler and the death of Craig Burke on the HMS Vigil. The season 2 can most probably be set away from the submarine. However, keeping in mind that the creator Tom Edge did specify during the 2021 fall that characters and storyline have been developed for further seasons, the makers can explore new possibilities for this new season.
But what we can assume is that either the plot of season 2 would be altogether new and unlinked with the previous edition or will follow the after-effects of the incidents that took place towards the end of the previous season. As these are mere predictions, we will have to wait for a while to get our hands on the official plotline.
Who can All be Seen in Vigil Season 2?
The cast of the first season of Vigil comprised of Suranne Jones in the leading role of DCI Amy Silva. She is accompanied by Rose Leslie, essaying the role of her partner named Detective Sergeant Kirsten Longacre. Other than these, Anjli Mohindra is seen portraying the character of Surgeon Lieutenant Tiffany Docherty and Shaun Evans, essaying the role of Warrant Officer Class One Elliot Glover.
Connor Swindells is essaying the role of Simon Hadlow, Paterson Joseph essaying the role of Captain Neil Newsome, Lois Chimimba essaying the role of Tara Kierly, Daniel Portman essaying the role of Chief Petty Officer Gary Walsh, Martin Compston essaying the role of Chief Petty Officer Craig Burke, and Adam James essaying the role of Lieutenant Commander Mark Prentice.
Lauren Lyle is essaying the role of activist Jade Antoniak and others. For season 2, if it gets made, there are chances that the cast can make its way back along with some new faces.
Is there a Trailer for Vigil Season 2?
Since no information about its renewal is out till now, there is no trailer of it to date. Unfortunately, the filming is also yet to begin, so we need to wait for a while for the trailer to release.