This Netflix Original series, set in a town in northern California, gained popularity rapidly among a variety of global viewers. A show filled with character arcs, dramatic storylines, and wildly different people, it has endless plot twists and tales the audience hardly ever see coming. So, it is no surprise that the next season of the show is wildly awaited.
Three seasons have been released so far and have found an enthusiastic niche audience, and season four has been given the green signal. The show follows Melinda Monroe and her move to a small town. However, what she expects will be a smooth and simple living wrapped in several layers of drama and complicated relationships. Before she can call her new place home, there is much she is yet to discover about herself, her new neighbors, and even the town.
Here are the latest updates about the 4th season that has been released to the public as of now.
Virgin River Season 4: Release Date
Although Netflix has not officially announced the new season, there are enough rumors and hype to confirm that it is on the way. The writing seems to be well under the works, and as soon as production begins, we will eb able to get a clear read on possible release dates.
Going by the history of the show release dates, we can predict that fans can expect Summer of 2022 to be when we see the season be aired (far way off, but undoubtedly better late than never!).
Virgin River Season 4: Cast
The season will introduce new faces and characters to add to the mystery and storylines of the new season. But we can all rest assured that the series regulars – Alexandra (Mel), Martin (Jack), Colin (John), Lauren (Charmaine), Annette O’Toole (Hope), Tim (Doc), Benjamin (Brady), Gurnsey (Ricky) and Sarah (Lizzie) will be seen again on the screen.
New cast members will be released to the public only after the official thumbs-up and casting calls are over. But until then, it is always fun to speculate, and it never hurts to put a word out and hope the crew hears your opinions!
Virgin River Season 4: Possible Storylines
Regarding the cliffhanger of season three, there is much to be uncovered, and so much unsaid hangs in the background. The showrunner, Sue, mentioned that all would come to the clear in the upcoming season 4. So, if you are still questioning the facts, here is the reassurance!
Whether Mel’s unborn child is Jack’s or Mark’s remains a question, and what that will mean for the rest of her life and the child’s is a storyline that will indeed be explored in the upcoming season. Another factor that will surely come up is the proposal thrown to the wind due to this news.
The other cliffhanger is Hope’s health and well-being, as the end of the last season showed her to still be in the hospital. However, her recovery is not one-dimensional, and there will be some storylines deal with that, along with possible flashbacks in the midst. All the stories are bound to be, as usual, filled with drama and dialogue that will keep you gripped from episode to episode and have you enjoying every bit of it.
If you have never heard of the show, this is an excellent opportunity to catch up on it and join the fan base; if you are a returning fan, hold on! Hopefully, you will be able to catch the next season at the earliest, and until then – re-watch and enjoy!