Wentworth is an Australian television drama series inspired by the 1979 series Prisoner and is a reimagination of it. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam created the series. The series depicts Bea Smith’s life in prison and her rise to the top of the prison’s hierarchy. After the third season, the show started to follow an ensemble format.
The series has been running successfully for the last 8 seasons, and the 9th season is the last season of Wentworth. Wentworth season 9 August 24, 2001, and there are 10 episodes in the final season. Wentworth is one of the most beloved series on Netflix, and the fans are already loving it. Four episodes have already been released, and the fans are eagerly waiting for episode 5 of Wentworth season 9, which is supposed to be released on September 21, 2021.
When is it Releasing?
Wentworth season 9 episode 5 is releasing on September 21, 2021, and is all set to air on Fox Showcase at pm. The fans have beenwaiting eagerly for the September 21 release of Wentworth season 9. The 9th season of Wentworth isn’t released on Netflix yet, but the fans can expect a Netflix release of Wentworth season 9, probably in October 2021.
However, earlier seasons are available on Netflix, while the current season can be viewed only on Fox Showcase. The previous seasons of Wentworth are available on Netflix, and viewers can also stream the series online on sites like My5 in UK and Foxtel Now.
What to Expect?
Episode 4, titled ‘Judas Kiss,’ depicted Allie’s daily life followed by the arrival of Eve, another inmate in prison. While Eve and Ferguson recognize each other and are tight-lipped about each other’s secret. On the other hand, Allie tries to kill Lou, who reveals that it was Judy who was Allie’s culprit and the episode ends with Allie looking at Judy, who comes in to share some news and probably planning revenge.
Episode 5 of Wentworth season 5 is all set to release on September 21, 2021, on Fox Showcase. The title of the 5th episode is ‘Unknown Terrorist’ and will go live at 8 pm on Fox Showcase. One can expect Allie to take revenge on Judy in the upcoming episode using the nitrous oxide that she has. On the other hand, Ann will discover about the obscene films made in prison and search.
Eve and Ferguson might be seen discussing their past. Keeping in mind the big revelation about Judy, the fans are quite intrigued to see what turn the show takes and what Allie will do after learning that Judy is her culprit. The show has garnered a big fan base throughout these 9 seasons, and the 9th season being the series finale, the fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the 5th episode of season 9 of Wentworth.