Lara Radulovich and David Hannam created Wentworth (also known as Wentworth Prison) from Reg Watson’s original 1979 television series with the same name. Foxtel’s original series centered around Bea Smith, who was incarcerated after assassinating her oppressive husband. Following Bea’s ascent to the top of the prison hierarchy, future seasons will introduce new characters before returning to Bea.
It has spawned eight seasons since its premiere in 2013 and has been widely praised and critically acclaimed. Criticism of Criterion’s Prison Break praised its realistic portrayal of prison life and the nuanced acting by the series’ women leads. With the eighth season ending on such a cliffhanger, viewers are eager to see the characters once again.
Wentworth Season 9 Release Date
The eighth season of “Wentworth” will debut on Netflix on September 30, 2021. The eight-part series was originally broadcast by Fox Showcase from July 28, 2020, to September 29, 2020, in Australia before debuting on the streaming service. Each episode is 45-50 minutes long.
Wentworth season 9 was rumored to be added to Netflix in September. Sadly, there is no way around that. The show airs in Australia first, then on Netflix in the United States. Sadly, Netflix does not add a season until the entire series airs.
Wentworth season 9 is expected to premiere on Netflix in October 2021. In 2021, the first episode of the season aired on August 24, and there are 10 episodes in all. Netflix US will add the full season to its streaming collection on October 27, 2021, if all 10 episodes air in consecutive weeks. As of right now, you can look forward to seeing Wentworth season 9 on Netflix sometime during October 2021.
Who is in Wentworth Season 9?
Almost all of the series’ living characters from previous seasons are expected to appear at the grand finale. Rarriwuy Hick will play Ruby Mitchell, and Susie Porter will portray Marie Winter. Leah Purcell will play assistant cop Rita Connors. In addition, fans will be thrilled to see Pamela Rabe play Joan Ferguson in the upcoming season.
There will be several pivotal roles played by Nicole da Silva (plays Franky), Kate Atkinson (plays Vera), Robbie Magasiva (plays Will Jackson), Katrina Milosevic (plays Boomer), and Bernard Curry (plays Jake). Correspondingly, among the relatively new cast members, Kate Box, Jane Hall, and Zoe Terakes will portray Lou Kelly, Ann Reynolds, and Reb Keane.
Possible Plot of the Upcoming Season and is it Worth Waiting?
It will also be interesting to see where Joan’s quest for power leads her in Season 9 after portraying herself as ruthless and controlling in previous seasons. With the old prison hierarchy threatened by those new to the prison, the season’s finale is filled with tension. Season nine will be understandably picking up the pieces after season eight’s sinister finale. As dark, atmospheric, and eventful as in previous seasons of the beloved show, the final season is expected to be no different.
With the season coming to an end, it is safe to assume that many storylines will be tied together. The eighth season features Lou Kelly and her associates hellbent on causing trouble behind bars. There will be no doubt about that in the last season.
Critical praise has been lavished upon the acting and character development. The gritty storyline and the lack of sugar-coating of prison life have also been praised. Although several critics considered Prisoner far more impressive, the show could not avoid comparisons with it. The fans are eagerly awaiting the new season.