Marvel’s first-ever animated American series What If is based on the Marvel franchise’s comic series by the same name. The anthology series was made by A.C. Bradley, directed by Bryan Andrews, and produced by Marvel Studios. It has been the 4th series to be on television in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Carrie Wassenaar is the producer, and Bryan Andrews, A.C. Bradley, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brad Winderbaum, and Kevin Feige are managing as the executive producers of the sci-fi series.
First season animation has been done by Squeeze, Flying Bark Productions, and Blue Spirit under the animator Stephan Franck. The series has been narrated in the voice of Jeffrey Wright, who acts as the Watcher. Joining him at points are the stars that appeared in the Marvel films for their reprised roles. Now episode 7 is about to be aired, and we are here to tell you everything you need to know before watching it.
What is the Story of What if Episode 7?
The action-adventure series comes up with new alternative scenarios in each episode of the show. It travels through different possible multiverse timelines and shows what would happen if things occurred differently than they occurred in the Marvel superhero Films. The initial episode showed that instead of Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter takes the super-soldier serum and becomes the first avenge, thus the super-soldier.
The seventh episode of the series will revolve around Thor, who happens to land in Las Vegas and is a party head. He gets so much involved in the fun that the world is on the verge of destruction. He then meets his fellow mates from previous episodes and now has to save the world. Meanwhile, Captain Carter happens to have a conversation with the evil version of Dr. Strange.
Release Date and Time for Episode 7 of What if
With its first season, the show went on air on August 11, 2021, on Disney+ and has continued to entertain the fans, with each episode releasing every week, with every episode being roughly around 30-40 minutes in length. So far, a total of six episodes have been broadcasted, and three more are left to mark the conclusion for season 1 on the 6th of October 2021. It makes up a part of Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The upcoming episode 7 is scheduled to be telecast on September 22, 2021, on Disney+ at 3.00 am Eastern time/12.00 am Pacific time/8.00 am GMT. After the termination of the first season, fans would eagerly wait for the second installment to arrive. It is expected that season 2 is on the cards, as confirmed by Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, and is slated to become available for the audience by 2022. The second season will also comprise a total of nine episodes.