It is an English crime thriller series that will air in 2021. This series is produced by Matchbox Pictures, Tony Ayres Productions, and Heyday Television. And is the work of Tony Ayres. This story is about a family man named Nick Brewer who is kidnapped during a crime. And those who believe in him try to pull him out of it and figure out why. In addition, Netflix officially announced in 2019 that a miniseries titled clickbait would be released soon, designed by Toney Ayres and Christian white.
Release Date
This eight-episode series will be aired on Netflix on August 25, 2021. The teaser for this series was released in July 2021. The trailer was released a week ago. We can conclude the story based on the teaser and trailer clips. This series explores the dark side of social media and depicts various personas. This series is planned to be released on August 25, as mentioned above, at 12:01 p.m. and 3:01 a.m. The wait will not belong. The series will be available in a couple of days.
Is it Worth Waiting?
This series is definitely worth the wait because it has a distinct and unique plotline, and because it is only an 8-episode miniseries, it can be finished quickly. As a result, this series will be more popular among crime and suspense fans. There will be no doubt as to whether it is worth watching; it is unquestionably one.
Plot Summary
Nick Brewer is the central character in this series, and as previously stated, he is a family man and a liar. Many people keep the reality about nicks abusing women hidden from their buddies. And some anonymous individual seeking vengeance on him uses social media to achieve his goal. And then there was the kidnapping of Nick Brewer. There is a threat to social media. There’s also a threat on social media that Nick will die if the video they posted receives five million views. To find out what happens next, whether he is saved or not? Who is responsible for this? This series is well worth your time.
This show’s ensemble cast includes Zoë Kazan as Pia Brewer, Betty Gabriel as Sophie Brewer, Adrian Grenier as Nick Brewer, Phoenix Raei as Roshan Amir, Elizabeth Alexander as Andrea Brewer, Abraham Lim as Ben Park, Jessie Collins as Emma Beesley, Ian Meadows as Matt Aldin, Steve Mouzakis as Zach De Luca, Daniel Henshall as Simon Oxley, Motell Foster as Curtis Hamilton, Jaylin Fletcher as Kai Brewer and Cameron Engels as Ethan Brewer.
Because the series is still in development, it isn’t easy to find any other news or information about it, but given that Netflix produces it, it’s safe to assume it’ll be nice and exciting. This may be a great summer binge-watching series. Each episode of this series should last between 20 and 30 minutes, but no longer. It also informs the audience about the drawbacks of today’s world and social media. It is not simple to live in a world where issues and threats abound, yet that is precisely what we are supposed to do.