Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series about a mother-daughter duo living in a town in New England. Created by Sarah Lampert, the show was first premiered on 24 February 2021 on Netflix. It received a widespread appraisal from its audience after the first season. The show was renewed for a second season in April last year after a huge number of subscribers streamed the first season.
As of now, the release date for Ginny & Georgia Season 2 has not been announced but the series is confirmed to return for another season soon. On April 27, the filming of Ginny & Georgia Season 2 was completed which means that the release date will probably be near the end of this year.
Where To Watch Ginny & Georgia Season 2?
Ginny & Georgia is a Netflix original series so it is available exclusively on Netflix for streaming. Viewers with a subscription can enjoy watching the show’s first season for now. The second season will also be added to Netflix once it is released.
What Is Ginny & Georgia About?
Ginny & Georgia is about a fifteen years old girl, Ginny, and her thirty years old mother, Georgia. After being on the run for several years looking for a fresh start, the family finally decides to settle in a town in New England. Georgia hopes to give her children Ginny and Austin a better life than hers by moving into the new town. Whereas Ginny always feels like she is the adult of the family since she thinks she is more mature than her mother. Georgia and Ginny are polar opposites in nature. Georgia is outgoing, active, loud, and social whereas Ginny is straightforward and responsible. Life is a bumpy road for Ginny & Georgia and with the new beginnings, it’s more of a rollercoaster ride. Georgia’s dark past pursuits her as she tries to escape the horrors and keep her children away from it all.
Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Plot Speculations
Ginny & Georgia Season 2 will have a lot to unpack since season 1 was left on cliffhangers. The character Ginny learned about her mother’s sinful act of murdering her stepdad from an investigator. Austin was also mad at Georgia for keeping the letters from him. They both stormed off on a bike.
Ginny’s relationship with her friends is also not going smoothly since the truth she tried to hide is out. She cheated on her boyfriend with Marcus. Her boyfriend, Hunter is the twin brother of her best friend, Maddie. Surely, their relationship will now be strained and it will be interesting to see how she revives her friendship and whether she revives her friendship with Maddie. Georgia might be getting remarried in season 2. Though one cannot be sure of who she will be marrying.
Ginny & Georgia Cast
The cast of Ginny & Georgia includes Antonia Gentry as Ginny, Brianne Howey as Georgia, Diesel La Torraca as Austin, Sara Waisglass as Max, Katie Douglas as Abby, Chelsea Clark as Norah, Felix Mallard as Marcus, and Mason Temple as Hunter.