The Stranger Things season 4 part 1 aired recently on Netflix. We all thought that people would be glued to the news story and talk about villains and what is going to happen in this season. But some audiences are paying more attention to the love life of the characters. We can say that there are noticeable variations and developments in the chemistry between the characters in Stranger Things season 4 part 1. Mike and Eleven are seeing each other, and Nancy and Jonathan are going out. But the directors of Stranger Things are still keeping Will’s sexuality in the dark. The viewers have so many questions regarding Will’s sexuality and his crush on Mike who is a straight boy and in love with Eleven.
The Third Season
In the third season of Stranger Things where Will and Mike are in the middle of an argument, Mike says “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” to Will. Will neither agree nor deny that statement after that Mike says that “I’m not being a jerk” but we all know how big of a jerk Mike was. Mike also asks Will if he thought that they would never have girlfriends in the future and just keep on playing games in Mike’s basement and Will says “Yes I did, I did”. After this Will leaves on his bicycle in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Ending Of The Third Season
At the end of season 3 of Stranger Things Will and his family move to California along with Eleven. They both go to the same school, Eleven, as usual, keeps struggling with her school life. In season 4 of Stranger Things, it’s almost spring break now and Mike lands at California airport and Will and Eleven will go to the airport to pick up Mike. Will is seen carrying a handmade painting rolled up in his hands when they go to the airport to pick up Mike.
When Mike arrives at the airport in part 1 of Stranger Things season 4 we can have a glimpse of excitement in Will’s eyes to meet his best friend cum crush, but when Mike arrives he barely hugs Will and we can notice the change of expressions on Will’s face when Mike properly hugs his girlfriend Eleven and Will decides not to show the painting that he was carrying with him to the airport.
Audience Reactions
This makes the audience more curious and raises so many questions. What was that painting? Did Will paint something to express his feelings towards Mike? Did he paint the group picture of him and his friends? And the questions go on and on and on. We didn’t get any glimpse of the painting in the first part of Stranger Things season 4 and we hope that we might know what that painting is in the second part of Stranger Things season 4, and we can expect the directors might do something about the massive crush on Will on his best friend Mike who is straight and has a girlfriend.
But we can say that Will is not straight and his feelings or crush for his best friend Mike still does not seem to fade away, we hope that Will will be able to confess his feelings for Mike in the second part of Stranger Things season 4, As this show runs in the ’80s Will finds it hard to express his feelings and about his sexuality as they were used to forced kids to stay in their boxes and were asked to act normal.