Obi-Wan is a very entertaining and well-executed show. You can enjoy it with your parents while watching it. So far, it’s been a fantastic premiere and a fantastic Star Wars event! There will be no complaints from you here. Balance exists in everything, and initiatives like Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch are ideal balance examples.
The concerts feature a variety of kid-friendly and family-friendly activities while also delivering enough entertainment for the older population. The tale is unique and not what one may assume based on the trailers, but it is greatly appreciated because it gives the program even more of a reason and hooks to keep watching. Obi-Wan spin-off brings different emotions fun, happy, sad, and to top it all off, the inquisitors are dam scary but badass as hell.
The bright, crime-ridden streets of Daiyu were one of the highlights for us, which I thought helped to sell the story’s more dark and underworld-oriented tone while also providing a colorfully lovely background to explore. Another feature was that the tale never felt too predictable, instead of guessing what stunning twist would occur next, such as Princess Leia’s capture (I assumed it’d just be Obi-Wan saving Luke) or the Third Sister’s betrayal of the Grand Inquisitor.
Because mainline Star Wars has never broken through the PG-13 barrier, the show’s M rating heavily contributed to the show’s aura of perpetual suspense, as a result, both the stakes and antagonists appeared to be much higher and immensely much higher.
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Ewan is incredible; his delivery is flawless, and he steals every scene he’s in. He fits right back into it. The other performers are also excellent, and Moses is particularly impressive. I’ve seen very few kid actors this age perform at the same level as Leia’s actress. (The Prodigy had the best little child performance I’ve ever seen; the kid was incredible.)
She’s so delightfully feisty and has only had a few line difficulties, which is astounding for a girl her age. Ewan McGregor, who plays the titular Jedi Master, is in great form as if he’d never gone, and all of the other important players thus far have done an excellent job in their roles.”
Leia, the little princess, is a genius. You can see a similarity between how smart and bright she is and how smart and cunning Anakin is at that age. Padme’s personality and principles are always visible in the young character, and the actor, despite her youth, is doing an excellent job in this role. Even though his appearance was a little off, the Grand Inquisitor held up pretty well in this portrayal compared to what we saw in Rebels.
The aesthetics can be easily disregarded; it’s not like they made him into a Wookie because those are popular; we believe they stayed as true to the source material as possible with the effects available. Aside from that, Rupert Friend is a very believable Grand Inquisitor.
Who Kidnapped Leia?
Leia was kidnapped during her outdoor Mark’s by vectnokru and his men who take her daily.
It was an order by BailOrgana, who was the father of Leia and planned to get her adopted daughter back.
Where To Watch It?
This is available on disney+, where you can watch it and enjoy it.