Stranger Things is Netflix’s Original Series in the Sci-Fi Horror Genre. The show took the world by storm and became an overnight sensation. The show follows the life of residents of Hawkins, Indiana, and the mysteries surrounding an old and supposedly abandoned research facility in the dead center of town. In season one, we are introduced to Eleven, a girl with psychic powers.
The has an investigative element to it. What may feel like a show about kids will soon feel like anything but that. The series’s main antagonist is the residents of an alternate dimension that the show’s characters have named “The Upside Down.” They found out the hard way that the residents of the upside-down are not at all friendly and are actively trying to take over our dimension.
Where To Watch The Show?
The shows international fans need not fret as several popular streaming services have this particular TV Show. Even if you are not comfortable with the Default language, several voice-over & subtitle options must be available based on your geographical location. You can stream the show on Netflix. Unfortunately, there are no other platforms that offer the show to stream.
Furthermore, the show has an IMDB rating of 8.7 /10 and a rotten tomatoes rating of 93%. The show has a total of 4 seasons with about 25 episodes.
The episode duration is 60 minutes each and has a rating of TV-14. The show premiered on the 15th of July 2016 and has been going on ever since. During the latest season, all the episodes came out on the same day, on the 27th of May, 2022. Season 4 of the show will be aired in 2 parts, and the 2nd part will be released on the 1st of July 2022. Even though we have to wait several long months between each season, bingeing the episodes on the release dates makes the wait so worth it.
Why Did Vecna Kill Chrissy In Stranger Things?
Being a demon from Upside Down, Vecna doesn’t exactly need a reason to kill. But there seems to be something similar in how he picks his victims. His victims are usually people who have experienced trauma in life. Be it Mental or Physical. In Crissy’s case, it was mental. Her mom verbally abused her, which left a lasting scar on her mental health.
Vecna used that to zero in on her. He started by showing her visions of her abuse but in a more demented way. He emotionally broke her to the point that she became catatonic. And when Crissy became of no more use to him, he killed her. That, too, is in a very gruesome way.
Should You Watch The Show?
Saying that Stranger Things is one of the best series to have graced our screens would be an understatement. The story is amazing; the cast has done a spectacular job portraying their characters. The plot makes you want to not blink in case you miss something.
However, it is in the Horror genre, and therefore it might be too scary for certain audiences. Apart from that, the show is very wholesome. Seeing them will make you want to have friends like them in your life also.