This is an American tv show which premiered for the first time in 2018. It premiered on the paramount network. The show has successfully completed three seasons by now. In the year 2020, the Paramount Network made a good decision for the fourth season of the show. And the fourth season premiered this year in the month of November.
What Is The Story About?
The story revolves around a family named the Dutton family. This family is the sole owner of one of the largest ranches situated in the United States. The story clearly shows the family drama that goes on in the family.
Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 5
This season will bring forth a huge fight between Jamie and the Dutton family. Jamie gets to know about his own father, and John, on the other hand, gets to know about Beth aborting the child. This took place in season 3. And since then, the relationship between Jamie and his adoptive father started getting worse.
This episode would be putting Jamie’s loyalty to the test. He still wishes to support John, but we do not know how things will change in the near future. Kayce is having issues of his own, and he decides to walk off from the ranch for the well-being of his family. Now we are eager to know what this episode might bring for us.
Release Date
The episode is all set to be released on November 28, 2021. It will be released on the Paramount network at 8:00 pm. This season is said to have a subtotal of ten episodes, and each of these episodes is approximately forty minutes long. There’s a new episode available on Sundays only.
Where Can You Watch The Show?
The show is available on the Paramount network. If you have a cable connection, then only you can watch it here. If not, you can watch the show on the official website.
Apart from that, you can watch it on Spectrum, YouTube TV, FUBOTV, DirecTV, PhiloTV. You can also buy the new arrivals from Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, YouTube, or google play. There are several chances of this show being available on peacock TV too. All the episodes of this season will be available here.
What Can You Expect From This Episode?
This episode is titled “Under a Blanket of Red. “ This episode will show Jamie will react after knowing about his past, his father, and his past too. He has to save his original dad now. Hence, he needs to keep his mouth shut regarding all the stuff that he already knows about. But he also feels the urge to know things from Garrett. But that could be very manipulative from Garrett’s side.
This situation is very complicated here, and that’s why it’s said that this is the ultimate test of Jamie’s loyalty. At this time, where would he turn to, to his original dad or the family that had adopted him and took care of him all this while?
Well, for you to know this, you might want to watch the episode and do let us know what do you expect from the show in the near future.