The American animated series about superheroes, Young Justice, is often confused as the direct imitation of comic series of the same name by Todd Dezago, Todd Nauck, and Peter David, but instead has an original plotline based on the DC universe where the focus is on young superheroes. The series that was renewed for its fourth season, titled Phantoms in September last year, has been collaboratively produced by Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti.
During the same, it was also announced that the series would be shifting to HBO Max, who will then release the episodes. The latest season premiered on the network on October 16, 2021, with the first two episodes released on the same day.
Plot Speculations for Episode 5 & 6 of Young Justice Season 4
This time around too, the upcoming two-episode- 5 and 6 will be aired on the same day. The fifth untitled episode of Young Justice Season 4 will see hurdles being faced by Artemis Crock as her life gets chaotic upon the devastating news. Varied shadows fall on her way. The sixth episode of the show has been titled Artemis Through the Looking-Glass. It will show how the Tigress and Cheshire (her sister) get instead caught up by their shadowed past when deciding to meet up.
What Happened in Episode 4 of Young Justice Season 4?
The previous episode of Young Justice Season 4 showed M’Comm and Megan talking things out and later telling him to reconcile with the family. On the other hand, to give Prince J’emm’s father justice, Connor promises to track down the killer. For this, he is joined by Megan and Gar, who then go on to investigate further. During their procedure, they learned about the discrepancies in the record of servants on the day king died, and ultimately it turns out that G’arrunn murdered the king but wouldn’t admit it.
When Prince J’emm comes to know about the killer, he went on to talk to S’yraa, and it comes out she killed the king, although unintentionally. This devasted the Prince but also provoked him to abolish the caste system by Martians forever finally. As the episode concludes, Connor finds a bomb planted below the throne to kill the Martian species. He believed that the heat inside the planet would kill the virus. But once he enters, no one sees him walking out alive.
When will Episode 5 & 6 of Young Justice Season 4 Release?
The latest episodes 5 and 6 of Young Justice Season 4 are all set to land on our screens on Sunday, November 7, 2021, on HBO Max. The excited fans should tune into the network to watch two episodes simultaneously at the time mentioned below.
Where to Watch Episode 5 & 6 of Young Justice Season 4?
Young Justice Season 4 Episode 5 and 6 will be airing on the usual HBO Max at 12.00 am PT / 3.00 am ET. The number of episodes comprising this season however remains unknown, but it can be expected that the show might contain 15 to 20 episodes.