Nacho Libre, the second comedy film by Jared Hess, has one of Jack Black’s most recognizable comic characters.
The plot centers on a cook who works in an orphanage run by a monastery by day and wrestles as a masked luchador at night.
Even though the movie didn’t gross a ton of money at the box office, viewers still adore it. The movie is filled with heart, hope, and flatulence-related humor. So many amusing lines are strewn throughout it, from Ignacio’s lowly beginnings as a luchador to his glorious victory over Ramses.
In Nacho Libre movie, Jack Black portrays the cook of a religious orphanage who is a professional wrestler at night as a luchador. He is trying to penetrate a sport that is already popular in Mexico and the American Southwest.
It’s known as lucha libre. We can’t help but chuckle at it because of all the funny lines! Over the years, Jack Black has established himself as something of a contentious actor; in addition to playing the lead in classic comedies like School of Rock, he has also appeared in duds like Gulliver’s Travels.
Nevertheless, his work in the Jumanji reboot series has helped him revitalize his career in recent years.
Of course, his crude sense of humor frequently resonates with children, which made him the ideal choice for his role in the 2006 film Nacho Libre.
Although it wasn’t his best work, Jack Black’s admirers are still quoting phrases from the Nacho Libre Movie fifteen years after it first came out.
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Toggle20. Ok… Maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty. Dead guy duty. Maybe it’s time for me to get a better duty!
In the movie Nacho Libre, although Nacho makes an effort to fit in, very few individuals in the monastery genuinely like him.
Nobody in the community really gets along with him, perhaps as a result of his eccentricities or his bad cuisine. Of course, his persona helps him win over the audience in the end.
However, the wrestler with the eagle tattoo makes an effort to treat people fairly. In one funny instance, he even offers to pay the tax he owes. Better duty means he seriously wants to fit in. Though we all can agree that it is the way because he is only a wrestler. The dead guy duty quote was actually quite memorable.
19. Get That Corn Out My Face!
In the movie, there are numerous facial jokes.
Nacho has quite a preoccupation with personal space, whether it is through a drink to the face or a punch to the face. His friend Esqueleto feeds him some corn on a stick as he is in the midst of an outburst.
In a fit of rage, Nacho yells at him, batting the corn away and setting up an unforgettable scenario that will be remembered for a long time, even though he might have wanted a little taste. This is one of the most relevant nacho libre quotes.
18. I Am Singing At This Party.
Nacho enjoys singing, but he struggles when forced to perform.
He finds himself in a predicament where he must sing a song while at a celebration honoring the legend that is Ramses. Nacho begins singing behind a bewildered band regarding, you know, singing at the party.
His honored guest doesn’t take kindly to it and tosses a drink in his face.
17. I Don’t Want To Get Paid To Lose! I Wanna Win!
Nacho puts it his all to become a luchador, but for the majority of the film, he has trouble to become a truly outstanding one.
At first, it is enough for him to turn up to wrestling contests and take the beatings because he will still be paid at the end of the day, and this will enable him to provide the children at the orphanage with nicer meals. Nacho expresses to his wrestling partner that he simply wants to win for a change as the movie goes on.
Even though Nacho Libre doesn’t seem like a particularly serious opponent, losing frequently can bring out the worst in anyone. This is one of the most inspiring nacho libre quotes.
16. They Gave Me No Nutrients! & “Dear Lord, please bless Nacho with nutrients and strength. Amen.”
Nacho goes on a brief search for an eagle egg on the recommendation of Steven’s acquaintance in an effort to improve his wrestling abilities.
Nacho will get eagle-like abilities if he consumes the yolk of the egg, according to Steven’s acquaintance. Nacho is disappointed to find that despite doing this, he has not improved.
He admits to Steven that the eggs were a fabrication after suffering another defeat in the ring.
Nacho screams, “They gave me no nourishment.”
Maybe it wasn’t as wise a piece of advise as it looked. It is one of the funny nacho libre quotes.
15. Those men fight for vanity, for money, for false pride.
Nacho typically finds it difficult to conceal his double existence.
Along with keeping an eye on the kids, he also needs to hide his true identity from Sister Encarnacion, his coworker and potential love interest.
It’s fair to say that Nacho’s justifications for leaving the house frequently are not really the finest.
He makes an attempt to argue that by sharing the gospel to a homeless man, as claimed, he is promoting his faith, but, as is frequently the case, his white lies fall flat. This was a white lie. Definitely not the most relevant nacho libre quotes.
14. Hey! Take It Easy!
Nacho enters the ring on his first night a little too confidently.
In an effort to win over the crowd, he chooses to send Steven into the ring alone.
He becomes so engrossed in this that he entirely loses awareness of the suffering Steven is going through in the ring. When Nacho finally turns around and observes what is occurring, he is horrified.
“Hey! Take it easy! “At the opposing wrestler, he yells. Though he tries his best to avenge Steven’s thrashing, he actually suffers one himself.
13. They Tried To Convert Each Other, But They Got Married, Instead—Then, They Died.
Ignacio and Sister Encarnacion had an uneasy talk over toast when they first meet in her chamber.
Ignacio describes how his parents, who came from quite different cultural backgrounds, met after being prodded by Encarnacion. He reveals to her that despite their attempts to convert one another, they eventually got married.
He then abruptly informs her that they passed away before abruptly pulling a photo of the two from his robe. This is one of the most weirdest nacho libre quotes. He also tells her that he has had a lot of bad lovers in the past.
12. Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I like serving the Lord, hiking, playing volleyball…
The movie’s premise makes perfect sense in principle and must have sounded fantastic during the pitch meeting:
Black portrays Brother Ignacio, a monk who lives in a remote part of Mexico, prepares food for orphans, and harbors romantic feelings for the stunning Sister Encarnacion (Ana de la Reguera).
He starts a covert career as a masked wrestler in order to gain fame, money, and better ingredients to cook for the orphans. He immediately agrees with her and tells her that his favorite animal is a puppy too
11. Beneath The Clothes, We Find A Man, And Beneath The Man, We Find His… Nucleus.
Nacho is constantly attempting to win over the good sister, and he makes an effort to remind her because no matter how impressive he is, he is still only a guy when she discovers him wearing his pricey-looking “recreational clothes.” It’s an odd line, and it’s obvious that he has no idea where it’s heading.
He succeeds in further dismantling himself until he reaches the “nucleus,” which Sister Encarnacion and the crowd both find to be illogical. Beneath the clothes is one of the most relevant nacho libre quotes.
10. Everything You Just Said, Is My Favorite Thing To Do, Every Day!
Nacho notices Sister Encarnacion as soon as she enters the monastery/orphanage.
Encarnacion grudgingly consents as he uncomfortably approaches her in her room and wants to enter. Nacho makes an effort to get to know her better as they share some toast.
She gives him a list of her favorite things when he asks her to tell him about herself. After a couple of them, he stops her and informs her that they share a lot of similar interests.
Even for a novice in the field of romance, Nacho is failing quite miserably. He did not want much from life; just a wonderful woman, a lush garden and a collection of Russian nesting dolls.
9. Tonight, We Are Going Up Against Satan’s Cavemen, And I Just Thought It Might Be A Good Idea If You Praise The Lord.
Ignacio and his spouse have disagreements about religion; whereas Ignacio is adamant about his beliefs, Esqueleto frequently asserts that he is a man of science. Before a Luchador match, Ignacio brings up the subject, but Esqueleto remains unmoved.
Concerned about his friend’s salvation, Nacho immediately pours a bowl with water and gives his companion an impromptu baptism before the game by quickly submerging his head in it many times while yelling this remark.
8. My Life Is Good! Really Good!
Everyone has at some point pretended to feel a certain way about their lives, whether it was in front of friends, parents, or total strangers.
When Nacho observes some of the orphans engaging in wrestling, he stops it and attempts to explain to them why it is improper. He discusses numerous actions he takes that, to many, may not appear perfect, yet he concludes by proclaiming, “I have a good life! really good”
Although Nacho may have the best of intentions, in reality, he is no happier than all the children he is supposed to be reprimanding in this scene.
7. It’s For Fun!
Nacho tries his best to keep his involvement in wrestling a secret. However, one of the orphans ultimately sees him trying on his wrestling outfit. Nacho makes an attempt to justify his attire by claiming that sometimes ‘you’ wear stretchy pants.
Chanco assures Nacho that he would keep the dreadful justification for the lie a secret. This is one of the most true nacho libre quotes.
6.I hate all the orphans in the whole world!
While by no means disagreeable, Nacho Libre is too friendly to ever grate, because there are chuckles (Black strutting around a ring like a potbellied peacock wearing bright red Bridget Jones underpants might make the dead smirk), the movie so overtly suggests what could have been that it becomes grating.
The movie begins to sing as the self-centered Nacho breaks into a self-penned song before his final valiant battle, complete with all of Jack Black’s trademark noodling (“I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, I used my hand to wipe my… tears!”), but it’s an infrequent moment of bliss in a tiresomely drawn-out and ultimately vapid comedy.
This may not be one of the most relevant nacho libre quotes.
5. It Is In The Bible, Not To Wrestle Your Neighbor.
Nacho aspires to be a well-known luchador, but the orphanage where he now resides bans him from doing so since they see it as pointless.
Ignacio tries his best to abide by his lessons, but he struggles to keep his actual wants hidden. Sister Encarnacion begs Ignacio to correct certain orphans who are caught acting like Lucahdors.
He informs the kids that “it is in the bible to not wrestle your neighbor” before rambling on about how much he enjoys his life at the orphanage with all the children.
Ignacio is well known for his “buttload of garbage” knowledge of the gospel.
4. I Ate Some Bugs, I Ate Some Grass. I Used My Hand To Wipe My Tears.
Ignacio’s terrible attempts to court Sister Encarnacion are the source of a large portion of the humor of Nacho Libre.
He plays a song for Esequeleto that he claims to have written about his feelings for her when he was in the “wilderness.”
He uses this sentence to highlight how challenging the experience was for him when he reflects on his time spent away from the orphanage in the essay.
Although Jack Black’s persona might not have any real lyrical brilliance, he may have had some musical talent.
3. I Don’t Believe In God, I Believe In Science!
The first time Nacho and Steven go to a local wrestling match, they aren’t exactly in sync.
Even though they have some DIY training, it is far from sufficient to get them ready for this night. Nacho urges Steven to pray to God for bravery before the game begins. Steven only replies “I Don’t Believe In God, I Believe In Science”
It’s the ideal example of the gap between Nacho and Steven and how far they still have to travel before they can be considered a team. He is not ready to believe in a butt load of crap. This is one of the most relevant nacho libre quotes.
2. They Don’t Think I Know A Buttload Of Crap About The Gospel, But I Do.
Ignacio may have a good heart, but he lacks verbal skills.
He recounts to Sister Encarnacion his responsibilities at the orphanage , including the fact that he makes soup but that the brothers don’t appreciate him or give him money for fresh ingredients. He expresses his annoyance in an elegant way by saying, “They believe I don’t know a buttload of junk about the Gospel, but I do.”
That moving comment undoubtedly had an impact on Sister Encarnacion.
1. Did You Not Tell Them They Were The Lord’s Chips?
The most of the monastic priests appear to be respectable people, but Guillermo, one of them, dislikes Nacho—possibly with good reason.
Guillermo displays his disdain with Nacho’s cuisine after he completely misses his bowl while being served. Nacho makes an effort to explain his predicament, citing the absence of high-quality culinary ingredients and the theft of his chips.
Did you not tell him these were the Lord’s chips, Guillermo asked Nacho? If the robber had known, he undoubtedly would not have stolen the chips.
These are probably some of the best nacho libre quotes.
Some of his other quotes like “Be grateful, Juan Pablo. Today is especially delicious” or “I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the free creams and lotions. But my life is good! Really good! I get to wake up every morning at 5am and make some soup” could also have been In the list.