Mieruko-chan, literally meaning “The Girl Who Can See Them,” is originally a Japanese manga series that was later on adapted into an anime series. Under illustrator and scriptwriter Tomoki Izumi, the manga had started its online serial publication on Kadokawa’s website called ComicWalker in November 2018.
The manga has come out in six tankōbon volumes. With proper licensing for North America by Yen Press, the mango went on to become an anime adaptation brought by Passione that made its debut in October this year.
About the Anime Adaptation of the Manga Series
With an Anime Genre set in Horror and comedy, the Manga by writer Tomoki Izumi was published by Kadokawa Shoten. The Manga series was out in the Comics Magazine Comic Walker and has been running since November 2, 2018. With Anime Director Yuki Ogawa and Takahiro Majima, the Anime adapted series “Mieruko-chan” was written by Kenta Ihara.
The show runs on the original network AT-X, Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto, SUN, and BS NTV. It has been airing since October 3, 2021, and has released nine episodes so far.
When and Where to Watch Mieruko-chan Episode 10 Online?
The show “Mieruko-chan” is now up for its tenth episode. The release date and time have been announced for the US, UK, and the rest of the world. Also, the series will be released for the English subbed, and Japanese dubbed version on Funimation.
Now, one can find the anime show on Funimation itself. The show is also present on Wakanim in Scandinavian states. For all international fans and viewers, the episodes can be found on iQIYI and Muse Asia’s YouTube channel.
Recap of Mieruko-Chan Episode 9: The Story so Far
Episode 9 showed Zen Tono taking the class’ attendance replacing the previous homeroom teacher. Miko feels uncomfortable in Zen’s presence, whereas it appears that Hana perhaps remembers him but is unable to recall it all precisely. Miko decides to go to the washroom to prevent facing Zen, but she comes across a big ghost emerging out of the toilet.
Miko being Miko acts all cool and nonchalant when she’s clearly losing her mind. She then acts like there’s no toilet paper and swiftly moves to another toilet where l she sees Yuria having her lunchbox alone. The show then shows the three going to a horror house where they’ll get 20 free donuts if they make it to the other side.
Initially, Miko tries to like it but is unable to control it; she begins screaming out. The episode comes to an end as the three finish the game and receive their reward of 20 free donuts.
What Can We Expect To See In The Upcoming Mieruko-Chan Episode 10?
The 10th episode is called “Don’t Look”. The preview for this episode shows the storyteller talking about particular moments when a person wants to scream and yell for help. An example of such a person would be Miko, who now has to meet a horrifyingly scary teacher just when she recollects her bad memories. In the new Episode of Meiruko Chan, the fans can expect to watch new details about Zen Tono.