Inspired from a light novel series penned and sketched by Rifujin na Magonote, Mushoku Tensei (or Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu or Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) is a Japanese anime that is an isekai fantasy. The show that has been written and directed by Manabu Okamoto initially premiered with its first season at the beginning of this year. In contrast, the second edition made its entry recently in October 2021.
The adapted version has been a developmental venture of Studio Bind. The anime characters have been created by Kazutaka Sugiyama, Yoshiko Saitou, and Mizuki Takahashi. The story focuses on the life of an individual in his mid-30s who thinks that his life is pointless and he is good for nothing. Then one day, after meeting with an accident, he finds himself reborn into a new world of fantasy where he gets the name of Rudeus Greyrat but retains the memories of his past life.
Taking this as a life-changing opportunity, he pledges to make the best of the chance he has been offered. With its initial episode of season 2 already out, the audience is waiting for the subsequent episode to be telecast soon. Here’s everything about the upcoming episode of Mushoku Tensei.
What can be Expected from Episode 2 of Mushoku Tensei?
The foremost episode of season 2 opened with protagonist Rudeus, along with Ruijerd and Eris, arriving at a city located on the edge of the Demon Continent. However, they were unaware of Roxy along with Paul’s ex-companions also coming there. The two groups soon encounter each other and become dejected on knowing that the fee for the boat was way too high for them to pay.
After that, Rudeus is unexpectedly contacted by a Human-god instructing him to visit a specified place to procure food. Upon doing so, as the lead was heading to the place, he is met with a homeless man whom he decides to help. The man later turns out to be Kishirika Kishirisu, the Demon Emperor who, touched by his deed, grants him the power to foresee the future. Towards the end, they are met by another person named Gallus Cleaner, who Ruijerd once saved.
Episode 2 that has been titled Missed Connections will show how the group will manage to be in the boat despite the heavy price and carry on with their journey. The ability to see in the future that was offered to Rudeus will thus prove to be beneficial for him.
When will Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 2 Air, and Where to Watch it?
Episode 2 of season 2 of Mushoku Tensei is scheduled to broadcast on October 11, 2021, on Japanese TV. Various networks like SUN, Tokyo MX, BS11, and KBS will release the show in Japan at different time slots.
For streaming of the show, the fans will have to head to Wakanim (for having German, French, and Russian subtitles), Funimation (English subtitles), and Hulu. These platforms would offer to the needs of a variety of viewers. Besides this, Southeast Asia fans can go to iQIYI and Muse Asia’s official YouTube channel to watch the show.