Shikizakura is a recently launched sci-fi anime TV series that comes under the banner of Sentai Filmworks for the NNS network. It firsts came on screen on October 10, 2021. Besides this, the story follows the life of a young boy named Kakeru Miwa who is living is normal life but one fine day faces an attack on his society by Onis.
These are other worldly demonic creatures who kill and eat humans alive. Now with the help of a special gift that is an armor called Yoroi, Kakeru decides to step up and save their planet.
Anime Shikizakura Episode 1 Details!
In the previous episode, we found some interesting plot hovering over as Kakeru and Kippei are peculiar to seeing a girl getting lost. It is a kind of realization for Kippei that this is not worth their time. Kakeru feels sorry for the girl and thinks to put his hand forward for help but is opposed by Kippei. Kakeru seems to show his interest towards the girl, and for this reason, he tries to help her in locating the TV tower.
However, Kippie follows the ethics of a loyal friend who attends his roll call. Following this, the incident turns out to be humorous as in the class, Kippei tries to imitate Kakeru’s voice but fails to do so.
Who is Lady Oka?
After this, all the students visit the museum, where an English-speaking white lady asks Miya about the models. Here one interesting fact is released about the model that it is from Obara, an incident that took place about eight years ago. There were also talks going on about some UFOs in the groups. Kippei tries to offer his best knowledge to the girls telling them that Oni is the one who causes all the ruckus.
But to his misfortune, nobody seemed to believe him. On the other side, Kakeru is trying his best to talk to the girl but seems to gain no luck, but as he decides to leave, he sees some people approaching the girl and calling her Lady Oka.
What Will Happen in the Upcoming Episode of Anime Shikizakura?
Moving on to Shikizakura Episode 2, there is a battle that takes place between Yoroi and Oni. Although, it seems like the battle events have been taking place even before Shikizakura came into existence. In this episode, the starting scene shows a boy running away as he sees monsters burning the villages. There is a fighting incident taking place between Yoroi and Oni that seems to be quite intense.
Then we are also introduced to a girl who seems to be enjoying music and dance. Somehow, it looks like a ritual to the boy as well as the audience. After some time, a huge light emits out of the girl making the monsters turn into ashes. Suddenly, we find a swift change in the scenes as Kippei and Kakeru wake up from their sleep. Soon it is revealed that Kippie has superpowers all along.
On the other hand, Lady Oka and her team seem to get ready for their battle with monsters at the towers. Kakeru seems to be shocked after not be able to analyze the robot-like identity of these people. This Yoroi trio seems to protect Lady Oka as she is spiritually powerful and can easily slash the demons in one go.
When and Where to Watch the Episode 2 of Anime Shikizakura?
If you are keen on knowing when and where you can watch this anime on Anime Digital Network, and Bilibili TV are the right places for you. And as the episode is about to release on October 17 so it will not be a long waiting period for you. We believe that you are loving the series in the same way as we love providing you the updates. This anime seems to bring in more interesting plot elements, making us unable to leave it that easily.