The Faraway Paladin is a Japanese manga-based anime television series that was released on October 9, 2021. Tatsuya Takahashi writes the television series, and Yuu Nobuta is the director. The anime is based on a Japanese Manga series named The Faraway Palladin, which had illustrations by Kususaga Rin, and Kanata Yanagino was the writer. The Faraway Paladin episode 8 is all set to release on December 4, 2021.
The series revolves around the life of Will, a young boy whose guardians are raising in an unknown city that is also abandoned. Will, who has not lost his memories of his previous life, decides on making a life worth living by making amends, and this is what he keeps as a secret from the guardians. The manga series was very popular, and hence the anime also has a good viewership and an already established fan base.
When is it Releasing?
The Faraway Paladin is a Japanese manga-based anime television series that was released on October 9, 2021. The Faraway Paladin episode 8 is all set to release on December 4, 2021.
Where to Watch it?
The Faraway Paladin episode 8 is releasing on December 4, 2021, and the anime series can be watched on Tokyo Mx, BS NTV, and AT-X. The series can also be watched on Crunchyroll and VRV for viewers outside Asia.
What to Know Before Watching it?
The series revolves around the life of Will, a young boy whose guardians are raising in an unknown city that is also abandoned. Will, who has not lost his memories of his previous life, decides on making a life worth living by making amends, and this is what he keeps as a secret from the guardians.
The Faraway Paladin episode 7 shows how Menel and Will set out on a journey to find the village but are eventually confronted by demons outside a temple. Menel and Will take on the demons, and the two meet a ghost who is called Marpel. Menel confesses that he stole at times in order to feed the hungry and gets a word of advice from Marpel. Both Will and Menel continue their journey.
What to Expect in Episode 8?
Episode 8 of The Faraway Paladin is releasing on December 4, 2021, and is named ‘The Poem of the Hero.’ In this episode, Will and Mensel will continue their journey, and there are chances that Will might be faced with unexpected learning that will change his mission and goals for good.
It will be interesting to see what new adventures Will and Mene will take on in their journey. It is also a matter of curiosity that what realization Will faces will have such a huge impact on him.