The Orbital Children is an upcoming anime movie by MitosuoIso. The movie follows the story of two children born on the moon in the year 2045 and three children from Earth who try to survive an accident as they are left stranded in their space station. It is the first big animation work by the production house +h. Mitsuo Iso, who last worked as a director in 2007 to the film Coil- A Circle of Children, is also writing the script for this movie.
The character design category is handled by Kenichi Yoshida, whereas Rei Ishizuk a has joined on board as the movie’s music composer. The movie started its production in May last year, and despite the Covid situation, they could wrap up the production by October 2020.
The show makers informed the people the same month that they would be releasing the movie in two halves, one in January and the other closely later in February. The official streaming partner for the movie worldwide would be Netflix.
When is the Movie Releasing on Netflix?
The movie is released both into theatres as well as the OTT platform. Sadly, the theater experience is only available to the Japanese audience as it is only released in the theatres of Japan. The rest of the world will get to experience it at home on Netflix. Netflix announced its release during its 2021 Anime festival.
The anime will release in two parts, the first part releasing on January 28 and the second half releasing on February 11.
Who is the Voice Over Actor?
Chinatsuo Akasaki, Yumiko Kobayashi, Kensho Ono, and Natsumi Fujiwara are voicing Miina Azumi, Hiroshi, Taiyuo, and Touya, respectively.
Is There a Trailer?
Yes, of course, there is a trailer for the movie. Netflix released a trailer to the first part of the movie during the third week of December, giving us a peek into this Sci-Fi drama that is about to hit the screens. Ever since the teaser launch, the response has been very positive. The same holds for the trailer.
The trailer has been available to stir the right kind of buzz among anime lovers worldwide, as evident from the posts and tweets that have been going viral since its release.
What to Expect from the Movie?
The trailer promises everything that one would expect the future to look like, from flying cars to abstract figures to technology being the basic necessity of survival. But unfortunately, corruption and propaganda have also made their way into the future as the trailer drops hints of a future society that would be dystopian in nature.
The three children are left stranded in their space station with nothing but the technology to depend on. They have a narrowband, which they were using for guidance. But technology being technology, the more advanced you make it, the lesser are the chances of them taking orders.
Hence the children often found it hard to handle the narrowband. Apart from it, they also had a cellphone-operated drone. It would be interesting to find out if they would be able to survive this collision with just themselves and some half-functioning machines.