Hajime Isayama, a manga artist, hailing from Japan, released ‘Attack on Titan’ in 2009 as his first debut. His work in this series was a ringing success. It soon gained the stature of a best-selling manga with over 100 million copies in circulation. The first part of Attack on Titan Season 4 aired in January 2021, running until May 2021. The concluding episode seemed to be nowhere near the ending of the show. The show has been known for its touching storyline and action-packed theme.
Set in a world where humanity exists at the mercy of prodigious cannibalistic humanoids, referred to as titans, the story has Eren Yeager as the protagonist who vows to bring the chapter of these Titans to an end after the extermination of his hometown and the death of his mother.
What We Know About its Release so far
After the first part of Attack on Titan: the final season, MAPPA immediately confirmed that another part would be out for broadcasting. It’ll cover up the remaining portions of the manga. Though the exact date of release hasn’t be announced officially by the crew, Attack on Titans Season 4 part 2 can be expected anytime in 2022, and certain sources claim that it’ll be out for sure by the winter of 2022. The anime’s mid-season finale was premiered in March 2021.
It was clear that the final episode wasn’t the end since a lot of content from the manga was yet to be covered. This has got the viewer-base waiting eagerly for the next part. Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 is expected to begin with Episode 76. The episode is titled ‘judgment.’ No time slot has been announced for its release yet, though it is known that it’ll be released on NHK General. Soon after the final episode of Part 1, a teaser of the second half was released. Part 2 would be a continuation of its former parts, concluding the storyline as it moves along the theme set in the Manga.
Is it Worth Waiting?
The fans of Attack on Titans have become all stirred up and charged on hearing of the release of the second half of its season 4. The anime series had 16 episodes in the first part of Season 4, but its last episode did not conclude the show. There was skepticism regarding the airing of the remaining episodes since the end of the first half had officially been done. Later, the team announced that the second part of season 4 would be aired; this was a huge relief to the viewers of the series.
Attack on Titans Season 4 Part 2 is eagerly awaited by all its fans since there’s a lot of content that hasn’t been aired yet but is there in the manga magazines. It has everyone excited, particularly the way the plot has developed now, great animation, and good art; people are looking forward to watching what happens next.