Do you know one of the most famous Breakfast Club quotes? ” Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling who we think we are…” Yes, it’s the most convenient definition of the breakfast club quotes.
The plot revolves around five high school students who got a Saturday detention for their monkey business. Our first reaction? Poor baby. But hey, that’s how the breakfast club rolls.
Here are some of the ten most relatable quotes from Breakfast Club that’ll take you back to your teenage.
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Toggle10. “When you grow up, Your heart dies.”
-Allison Reynolds

This quote is by Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club. The argument between John Bender and Molly Ringwald, playing Claire Standish, brings out Allison Reynolds’ empathy towards questions like ” Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?” and the whole situation in general.
Breakfast Club is a classic movie that shows bits of teenagers. The realities of growing up are captured in this quote with all its beauty. Molly Ringwald and John Bender get advice on the future from their teenage companion.
We all know what it is like growing up. The constant feeling of tiredness and anxiety. But it’s not all gloomy, and there’s always hope, which is the movie’s ultimate agenda.
9.”We are pretty bizarre. Some of us are better at hiding it; That’s all.”
-Andrew Clark
Breakfast Club is filled with such apathetic quotes. When teenagers are in detention, consider arguing as a complementary response. The same goes for this group of five in Breakfast Club. Allison Reynolds and Claire Standish are seen getting into an argument during detention. Using this quote, Andrew Clark tries to subdue it with his teenage wisdom.
It makes Molly Ringwald and her supposed friend, Allison Reynolds, retort with a series of hard-hitting questions for Andrew Clark. One of them questioned his sanity bizarreness. Teenagers are known to have an argumentative approach to life. And come on, were we not the same to some extent! The movie takes us back to our good ol’ days and tries to show us what we lost in the way of adulthood.
8. “Screws fall out all the time. The world’s an imperfect place.”
-John Bender

It’s a confrontation between John Bender and Richard Vernon when he visits John Bender, and a screw falls out of the door. Breakfast Club is a timeless piece in terms of perspective.
Judd Nelson’s John Bender spits fire and fact. He pins and points out Molly Ringwald playing Claire Standish to be a fat girl’s name and having a rich drunk mother. She may apply nail polish in her father’s BMW, but that’s not adding much to the family name.
This quote depicts the nature of John Bender and his poetic side in the movie. Like all teenagers, the flow of words comes naturally to him, and his sarcastic outlook on the world is incomparable to other grown-ups. Verner’s outlook that these would not last long is what none want to pay heed to.
7. “My God, are we gonna be like our parents?”
-Andrew Clark
The teenagers figure out that all of them have some peculiarity about their parents and how it’s destructive. Molly Ringwald shares her side of family issues and gets continued by John Hughes, Brian Johnson, and the rest.
It can be exceptionally disturbing for teenagers to figure out the issues they are dealing with at home. It can be even more distressing to find out that sometimes, others are being treated worse, if not less, under their parental pressure.
The fear of turning out like their parents is a fear that gnaws at them, and they end up discussing bout it during detention. What’s more, if they wanna be better, they gotta fight better.
6. “I could disappear forever, and it won’t make any difference.”
-Andrew Clark & John Bender

We see how John Bender convinces us that the very nutritious lunch contains all the food groups and is best for health, even in a punny way. Breakfast Club is a classic movie.
This quote has been repeated twice in the movie. Once by Clark at the start and the second time by Bender towards the end of the movie. It tries to depict the hopelessness that prevails for these teenagers.
It’s gonna be a long way for them to go. But it also shows how they are not alone in their feeling of despair. And together, they have the potential to overcome it.
5.”You ought to spend a little more trying to do something with yourself and a little less trying to impress people.”
-Richard Vernon
The Principal in the movie Breakfast Club may appear heartless and apathetic throughout the movie. But is it so? Or is it a farse he puts up and offers the kids a taste of tough love? This question can only be answered after you have watched the movie. The quotes only play the role of offering insights into the plot of the movie and how it can be universally related to it.
We all had a Vernon in our lives who channelized our internal aggression into the productive path, using tough love.
4. “Two hits. Me hitting you. You hitting the floor.”

Teenagers are known for their aggression. In most cases, this is the time they get into paths strayed if not dealt with. In this Quote of Clark, we get a taste of the similar headstrong and bull-strengthened attitude of Clark against anyone who tries teasing him into a fight.
The attitude is Hot. The dialogue is hotter. But to see the teenagers in detention trying to have the upper hand is like watching underdogs in a fight club. But with more wisdom.
3. “Don’t mess with the bull, young man. You’ll get the horns.”
This is one of the famous lines from The Breakfast Club. Sir Richard Vernon is the principal of these high school students. Breakfast Club is a classic movie. Vernon is a character we all had in our lives growing up. Why only while growing up! We come across our own Vernons every once in a while in our daily lives. Do we not?
These Vernons may have a temper. They may have a glorious fury. But what is the point of having them if we never go against them, even once in our lifetime?
But this Vernon, he’s a volcano. And who’d want to mess with someone like that? Not me, even with a fake id!
2. “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?”
-John Bender

We know Judd Nelson plays John Bender in the breakfast club. We hold the perception that the world sees us however they want to see us. But Judd Nelson and his character John Bender are goddamned funny with their insults.
Jesus Christ almighty may have mercy, but Bender won’t. And a Saturday detention doesn’t stop him.
1. “You do everything everyone tells you to, and that is the problem.”
-Allison Reynolds
This quote from Reynolds speaks the mind of all of us. Show me one person who did not feel this, and the world may see another sun. That is how impossible it is not to feel this line of Breakfast Club.
The effect of peer pressure is not unknown to any teenager. The same is true for all the five teens we see in detention. The situation gets so extreme that we also see Claire Standish breaking down under that pressure. Reynolds may not be a knight in shining armor, but she sure offers acceptability for that.
“A brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal is” is one of the classic breakfast club quotes. The timeless piece has many more similar quotes and dialogues to offer throughout the movie. Signing off the essays and letters of the movie with a “sincerely yours” and the regulations one is bound to follow. And so does this article on quotes from Breakfast Club.