Let’s talk about the best breaking bad episodes! Bad Breaking is an American crime drama that has created a diverse corner in the viewer’s heart from the beginning of the series is Breaking Bad. Vince Gilligan is the mastermind behind this masterpiece. He has created and inscribed the screenplay of Breaking Bad.
The first episode of the series’ first season appeared on AMC on 20th January 2008 and ended on 29th September 2013. However, the show has 62 episodes and five seasons altogether. However, in 2015 Vince Gilligan introduced the final sixth season of Breaking Bad, which aired on the same platform as before. Well, now the viewers can watch this thriller drama on Netflix after subscribing to it.
The entire drama of Breaking Bad is about the tragic life sequence of Walter White, a chemistry teacher in a high school. However, the incurable cancer stage has insisted he steps into the work of crime to secure his family’s life before his death. To pay off his medical expenses, Walter took his first step toward crime with the help of his former student Jesse Pinkman after eliciting and allocating crystal meth business.
The central characters of Breaking Bad include Bryan Cranston as Walter White, Anna Gunn as Skyler White, Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman, Dean Norris as Hank Schrader, Betsy Brandt as Marie Schrader, Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo AKA Gus Fring, Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman, Jesse Plemons as Todd Alquist, RJ Mitte as Walter White, Jr. and so on.
Vince Gilligan has set all the scenes in such a prominent way that the show has gained critical acclaim and the title of the most significant series in television history. This show can be considered one of the best tv dramas, which has never failed to absorb the spectators’ interest. Many such tv dramas have a mixture of tragedy and comedy, and thrilling scenes. Likewise, Breaking Bad also has such efficiency to entertain the viewers simultaneously.
Here is the list of the 30 best Breaking Bad episodes that one can watch.
Table of Contents
Toggle30. “Problem Dog,” Season 4, Episode 7

As usual, Walt attempts to save himself from Gus Fring in this Breaking Bad episode. However, in this occurrence, Hank put a step ahead to present his Sherlock mind by revealing whose fingerprints are in the Los Pollos Hermanos cup Gus has refiled.
On the other hand, Walt appoints Skyler to a new operation. However, she struggled to know exactly how she could crack the deal with the mountains of cash.
29. “Shotgun,” Season 4, Episode 5

In the entire show, the viewers have noticed how two men have teamed up to reach their goals of combatting a situation. Hank and Gomie, Skinny Pete and Badger, Kuby Huel, Walt, and Jesse are prominent. However, this episode mainly indicates the essence of comedy in Breaking Bad.
The humorous pickup conversations between Jesse and Mike are the main attraction of this occurrence. However, this part of the show also shows Walt’s restlessness and worries about his partner and his prediction that his partner will be killed. Moreover, the episode also depicts Walt and Skyler’s will to get the car wash deal.
28.“Más,” Season 3, Episode 5

This episode starts with a flashback scene where Walt provides all his life savings to Jesse to buy an RV. But as usual, Jesse spent most of the money in nightclubs and managed almost $1,400 to get the Winnebago. After this scene, the story makes a comeback in the present time, which depicts Walt’s retirement from the drug industry.
But Gus’ discovery of a state-of-the-art superlab promoted Walt to make a comeback in the drug game. However, this spotting has triggered Walt’s anxiety, which has urged him to do so.
27.“Mandala,” Season 2, Episode 11

“Mandala” is such an episode of Breaking Bad that show how the characters of this drama are entangled in making choices. In the beginning, the episode tries to depict Walt’s struggle rather than an effort to work with Gus Fring or have a conversation about some other matter.
However, this time Jesse had a choice whether he wanted to start meth despite having the guilt that his friend had died because of him. In this episode, the drama’s main protagonists, Walt and Jesse, try to select the paths to go ahead in their lives.
26. “Seven Thirty-Seven,” Season 2, Episode 1

This very first episode of the season which Bryan Cranston has directed, starts with a floating sequence of a one-eyed, charred pink teddy bear in Walt’s pool. The attack proceeds with Walt’s conflict with himself about whether he should kill a person or not.
On the other hand, Jesse seems unaware of how to use a gun. However, the name of this episode is kept after the Boeing plane which has crashed over Albuquerque. Well, the occurrence with the kidnapping scene of Walt and Jesse by Tuco before getting a chance to kill him.
25. “Cat’s in the Bag …,” Season 1, Episode 2

This occurrence starts with the silly story of Walter about pancakes with Skyler and Walt Jr. As the episode rolls, a debacle scene between Jesse and Walt in the desert about what kind of mess they have created. On the other hand, Skyler smells something suspicious after having a conservation with Walt along with his unrecognizable activities.
24. “Hazard Pay,” Season 5, Episode 3

This episode of Breaking Bad Shows how Walt and Jesse took help from Mike and set up the entire environment of their meth business. However, these three individuals teamed together and got attached to a pest control company whose employees had criminal records.
Along with that, this occurrence also portrays the first meet-up with Andrea’s young son named Brock. However, the episode proceeds when Brock tries to recognize the person who has tried to kill him. At that moment, Walt strived to startle the young boy by deciphering that he had become a devil.
23.“Fift “-One,” Sea” on 5, Episode 4

Skyler is one of the central characters of Breaking Bad. In the entire series, she took a stand for herself and tried to convey whatever she wanted to say.
In this episode, the DEA seems close to the German company that is in the line of supply of the meth lab. As Walt did not want his kids in danger, he ordered Skyler to take the children away from here.
22.“Over “Sea” on 2, Episode 10

This episode depicts Walt’Walt’sssion with making his home perfect, which is one the hilarious part of the show Breaking Bad. In a scene, he rushes to the hardware shop to buy a water heater, lumber, and other things for his home.
Meanwhile, when Walt Jr. questioned him about his work, he explained that he cared about what someone was thinking about him. In that episode, he only took the aspiring meth cook to the parkin, explained his territory, and mentioned the strains on the Radio’sRadio
“1.“E”d Ti “es,” Seaso” 4, Episode 12

The environment of the entire episode is a bit intensive as the DEA is one of the ways to unfold the Los Pollos Hermanos laundromat meth lab, which has been hidden for a long time. Getting a trace of this lab means closing the escape door for Walt.
However, the occurrence also shows how Jesse blames Walt for poisoning Brock with a ricin-laced cigarette. This leads to an unexpected scene where Jesse puts his Gun on Walt’sWalt’sead. Meanwhile, Gus took advantage and waited for Jesse’Jesse’se yes to kill Walt, which was his ultimate goal.
20.“Negro “y Azul,” Seas”n 2, Episode 7

This episode shows a different relationship between Walt and Jesse, which has exceeded their so-called teacher and ex-student association. This means now they are with each other as partners, and their new reputation doesdoesn’tect them.
On the other hand, Skyler struggles to secure her new job using other means, which Walt will not approve of. In this episode, Jesse’Jesse’sady Krysten RitterRitter’s first appeared on Breaking Bad. Somehow this episode also depicts Jesse’s relationJesse’sth her.
19.“ABQ,” Season 2, “Epis” de 13

This season finale of the second season has several final moments followed by the death of Jesse’s girlfrieJesse’sch leads to his emotional breakdown. Aaron Paul has shown his acting skills perfectly. The episode also has some memorable moments, like the crashing of two planes colliding with each other because of Jane’s hysteriJane’sther.
The occurrence reveals that Walt has been hiding from Skyler for a long time. After telling the truth, Skyler throws Walt out of the house.
18.“Thirty-Eight Snub,” Se “son 4, Episode 2

Breaking Bad episode 2 of the fourth season shows Walt has bought a gun from a gun dealer to defend himself rather than kill Gus. He has prepared to kill Gus in his lab or at his house. But no one can play his game before destiny. Every time Walt tried to shoot him, the Gun was saved.
On the other hand, Walt tries to make Mike understand his situation and convince him to believe he is a good man. Nonetheless, on the other side of the episode, Skyler plans to pull off her sister Marie’s struggle to cope with Marie’sdepressing environment, which Hank has covered for her.
17.“Bullet Points,” Season 4, Ep “sode 4

In this brilliant episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad, Skyler and Walt’s hard work to crack Walt’s sash to Hank. The occurrence proceeds with the elaboration of Skyler’s situation regarding Skyler’s social ailment. On the other hand, Walt gained great tension after knowing that Hank had started a new investigation in unfavorable conditions.
Meanwhile, the situation also depicts how Jesse’s confidence and enthusiasm haJesse’s down for doing anything except partying and enjoyment. Well, this condition of Jesse’s gas later gained Gus’ attention.
16Jesse’s Season 4, EGus’de

Br”aking Bad’s occurrence does not seem as easy as the name suggests. This episode focuses on Walt, whereas Hank looks busy planning a trip to the Pollos Hermanos Factory Farm. On the other hand, Skyler forces Walt to plot a plan to get rid of this criminal business meth. He is pressuring Walt to make a plan to get out of the meth business.
However, as the episode proceeds, it shows an honest relationship between Jesse and Walt. The episode explains how a deadly threat pressures Gus to evaluate a deal with the Mexican cartel.
15.“4 Days Out,” Season 2, Episode 9

In this episode of Breaking Bad show,” Walt’s desperation in the desert for four days convinces Jesse of Walt’s meth. However, he also wanted Skyler to believe he could not contact her as the RV had broken down there.
However, when Jesse goes with Walt, his relationship with Jane is on hold. Meanwhile, Walt was aware that his cancer had taken a vast appearance and his deteriorating gradually.
14.“A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal,” Season 1, Episode 7

the final episode of ” the first season is about “alt’s new journey. However, the episode depicts how Walter has come out from a teacWalt’scharacter and gotten up with a new skin of a drug dealer.
Some scenes cleateacher’show smoothly Walt accepted his new individuality after a PTA meeting. On the other hand, Walt’s companion Jesse and his activities of putting his aunt’s house on rent. WhereWalt’sler is all set to soak up in her baby shower.
13.“Naunt’s” Season 3, Episode 1

This brilliant episode of Breaking Bad reports a scene where Skyler hands over the divorce papers to Walt. On the other hand, the Salamanca twins commence their revenge journey. Whereas Jesse still spent his days in drug rehab, which helped him to accept whatever evil deeds he had performed. In this episode, Jane slept on their deathbed due to a plane crash.
However, a new aspect arose when Walt went to his son’s high school and met him in his assembly. Over there, they had a conversation, sons. They helped each other somehow to return from the plane crash trauma.
12.“Peekaboo,” Season 2, Episode 6

This episode of Breaking Bad starts “with some”of a happy tone and ends with the same essence as with has been directed by Peter Medak. After Walt returns to his home from work, he notices that the situation does not seem as smooth as expected.
However, he likes how Skinny, a drug-addicted couple knocks off Pete (Charles Baker). On the other hand, Skyler felt grateful to Gretchen and thanked him as he had helped pay for Walt’s treatment.
11.“Caballo Sin Nombre,” Season 3, Episode 2

The title of this episode is kept after Walt’s song. In this occurrence, Walter White sings this song happily without knowing his life is in danger. However, it shows Walt Jr.’s hesitation and problems with accepting his parent’s separation because of Walt’s ego.
On the other hand, the drama program.’s Jesse’s long-time wish to buy his old house frparent’sarents coming true. AloWalt’sh all this good news, a suspicious action occurs Jesse’so unknown and mysterious men searching for Walt in the town.
10.“Bit by a Dead Bee,” Season 2, Episode 3

In this episode, the drama’s protagonists face a downfall in their financial situations. However, this occurs when they try to cover their criminal tracksdrama’she meth investigation.
Meanwhile, the DEA, because of whom Jesse and Walt are going through such hurdles, have led several agents to keep an eye on both of them. On the other hand, Skyler tries to know why Walt keeps a second phone with him by ignoring his joyful talks and discussions.
9.“Blood Money,” Season 5, Episode 9

Bryan Cranston directed the episode “blood money” of Breaking Bad which shows some “fantastic scenes between Pete and Badger. In this occurrence, “Alt went to”his house to take away the vial of ricin. However, Hank took charge and tried to match Walt’s handwriting from all the files of the Fring murder case to unfold the hidden truth.
8.“Abiquiú,” Season 3, Episode 11

This episWalt’sn be considered a non-violence occurrence. No such chaotic scenes have been put forward “in this “episode. The event starts with Saul Goodman explaining to Skyler why she is the perfect one to run the money-laundering show at the car wash instead. But she questions Saul and clarifies her doubts about that money scheme.
On the other hand, the drama shows how Jesse falls in love with a patient who was with him in the drug rehab center. Meanwhile, Gus invites Walt to have dinner with him, but the story turns another way when Gus hands him a sharp knife and asks him to help prepare.
7.“Crazy Handful of Nothin’,” Season 1, Episode 6

W“Crazy Handful of Nothin” starts with Walt’s clean shaved appearance, depicting his “chemotherapy’s earNothin’c”s. However, this look at him provides “s a clear view of his r”birth and rejWalt’sion in the world of rime.
Not only appeachemotherapy’slternation in Walt’s ego is also noticeable. As the drama event proceeds, he steps out of a chaotic environment with a bag of cash and indialterationthere wilWalt’sno more bloodshed scenes. But due to some unexpected situations, the episode ended with violence and blood.
6. “Buried,” Season 5, Episode 10

Buried can be considered the best episode of Breaking Bad as it is inspirational and sad at the “same time,” along with some iconic scenes. Apart from Walt, Hank is also a character who has gone through several emotionally draining events.
Hank turned up to be an emotional and physical person after surviving a shooting event. This veered around to his evil mode, which does not care about anything except achieving his goal. However, Hank’s main motive was to bring Walt down by any means.
5.“Sunset,” Season 3, Episode 6

This third season episode has worked as a path toward the final destination of Hank’srrent season, ” The oc, “currency has several stressful scenes between Walt and Gus.
It reveals how Walt resumes his business work in Gus’s state-of-the-art meth lab again and learns about the old RV forces. These are nothing but a way to keep Jesse and Walt from being arrested by us.
4.“Open House,” Season 4, Episode 3

This occurrence of Breaking Bad commenced with an argument about getting the wrong puffed corn” in the hos”ital bed. However, the episode shows Skyler’s nervousness about buying the car wash. The pressure increased as she was very much unaware of what she wanted.
Meanwhile, Walt settles down withSkyler’shampagne bottles, but deep down, he worries about Jesse. He exists on Jesse’s fragile state of mind and Gus’s evil deeds to harm Jesse.
3.“Gray Matter,” Season 1, Episode

The occurrence exists explainsJesse’soking meth is essential forGus’sgh school teachers. However, t “e episode is”about the company Walt and the event founded. As time passed, Elliott became a wealthy man who won a Nobel prize and happily married a bul woman named Gretchen.
Gretchen once worked with Walter in his wealth as an assistant. The next half of the episode shows Walt’s entrance to Elliott’s birthday party, where he meets some known faces. Along with that, he got to know that Elliott wanted to hire him again in thiWalt’sany.
The real Elliott’sor hiring Walt back in the company was his cancer known to Elliott. But Walt declines the offer because he does not want anyone’s charity.
2.“Live Free or Die,” Season 5, Episode 1

The first episode of this season, “live free or Die,” shows some glimpses of anyone’s prior f “nal season. However”r, this occurrence starts with the previous appearance of Walt with h” on their head” and the new glasses. The scene depicts his 52nd birthday celebration.
As the episode proceeds, it shows Gus Fring’s death, which Walt and Jesse have committed. Within a fraction of a second, both tried to edit all kinds of evidence against them while working in theFring’sab. Nonetheless, this occurrence is the penultimate ea episode of Breaking Bad.
1.“Cancer Man,” Season 1, Episode 4

Cancer is the weak point in the main protagonist’s life, Walter White. Because of this, he has stepped into “his kind of”drug business to secure his family’s lifestyle by earning money. Walt’s protagonists are that he will die soon, maybe sooner than he thought.
But the harsh reality says that no one caresfamily’sis death and sacrifices faith. However, his strong willpower and thoughts allowed him to do something big before he died. However, this episode’s conclusion can be considered the penultimate episode of Breaking Bad.
The first season of this series shows Walter’s self-acceptance of his dead episodes, cancer. Later to pay his medical bills and other means to secure his family, he joins his companionship of Walter’s cook meth. In this season only, he rewrote his name as “Heisenberg,” along with his signature product named “blue sky” meth.
Unknowing, Hank and the DEA tried to find out the new drug figure in the market and s”art their i”investigation. As the story proceeds, some”newUnkno” in glyme out, among which Gus is notable. Gus is the drug dealer who offers Walt a job cooking meth in his hidden lab.
Final Season
However, in the iemergeries’ final season, most of the story ended sadly with Walter’s death. After hiding for several months in the last season, Walter decided to surrender the series.’
However, his main intention was to secure his famWalter’s money, but he gave all his earnings to the trust, run by Elliott and Gretchen and attended to distribute among his children. As the story proceeds, Walter confesses everything to Skyler about his evil events of producing,g meth.
He also explained his satisfaction with giving financial security to his family. In the end, with a remote gun, Walt killed Jack and his gang, which acted as a leaving certificate for Jesse to imprisonment. The drama ends with an em. Walt urges Jesse to kill him with a remote gun, but he refuses and flies away, and Walter dies by collecting all his memorieendsm the past in the meth lab, which is the breaking point of the show.
From the first season till the theater, the viewer count has increased considerably. The last season’s final episode is the most-watched American show in tv history at that time. However, the show has also gained several awards, including Primetime Emmy Awards, Satellite Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Peabody Awards, etc. Hopefully, these episodes and the plot about these have not failed to grab the interest of the viewers.
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