The animation media is rich with thoughts and feelings. One of the best features for the anime business is its realistic portrayal of emotional endeavors and the lessons it can provide. As a result, we have a lot more to say about and feel about our favorite shows as supporters. But among the ideas and emotions, melancholy is the one that comes to mind first. Yes, the show that moved us to tears or that depicted the terrible truth of life becomes precious to us.
As a result, we simply cannot help but appreciate melancholy in the realm of anime. What else about anime do we adore? Quotes! Then how about we combine quotations with the broken feeling? Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? Guys and gals, I will now be providing you with a list of the 20 Best Broken Anime Quotes inside this post, so that is precisely what we will be doing today. Plenty of them will be depressing from the perspective of the anime, but many of them could be familiar to you guys. Yes, the situation is going to be very complicated.
So, gather your tissues, stand by your lover, and prepare to enter the world of broken and distressing quotes.
Related: The 50 Deep Meaning Anime Quotes That You’ll Love
Table of Contents
Toggle20. “I’ll never resent you, hate you, or hurt you. Not ever. Not you or anyone. I’d rather die. So, If I’m killed, I’ll face my killer with a smile. And I’ll tell them that it’s okay because it won’t be their fault for doing it. It’ll just be that they don’t know any better. I’ll die hopeful, that my death might have helped them… to understand someday.” – Photo

The show Kino’s Journey has a slave by the title of Photo. Her mindset despite being a slave is eye-opening in this anime episode. And the aforementioned quote emphasizes these depressing yet moving and motivational words.
One of the most amazing things I have ever seen is this perspective on birth and death. Consider yourself in such an attitude. You will unavoidably stand out from the rest and exude a unique mood. You really are quite spectacular, Photo.
19. “The thing I wished for destroyed my whole family. I brought all this suffering down on my family because I made a wish for my dad without knowing what he really wanted.” – Kyoko Sakura

Kyoko’s request in Madoka Magica figuratively ruins her entire family. She is also left on her own to fight for herself. She seems to have a great personality and a rough exterior because of this. If any of you have seen the Madoka Magica anime, you are aware of the gravity of this statement.
Once you witness this remark and the person who inspired it in action, it will make you cry. Oh my God, this show deserves so much more acclaim. Due of spoiler concerns, I won’t reveal what this implies to you.
18.” Humans die. Animals die. Plants die. Even soul reapers die. It’s the arch of the universe. Everything that comes to life eventually ceases to exist.” – Baraggan Louisenbairn

We will all have to deal with this truth at some point. Even though it is tragic, particularly in those final seconds, it is a truth that feels easier when accepted. The tale of the soul reapers, which takes place in the world of Bleach, explains the concept of Death.
Nobody can stop it from happening; it is inevitable. If you really try, you will see that nobody, just not the individuals who developed it, can defeat this Monster.
17. “I bet dead people are easier to get along with.” – Crona
Because of the witch who gave birth to her, Crona’s childhood was a living torment. It is understandable that she sees the world in this way given that she has been deprived of love and affection. People now prefer deceased humans to those around us because their abrasive character has grown intolerably intolerable.
Consider the fact that individuals have begun to criticize others based on arbitrary standards and to engage in hate speech and similar behaviors. These kinds of deeds cause us to doubt mankind and its deeds.
16. “Remember what you said before? A normal person with a gun will wind up doing something he never thought himself capable of? No one in this world can truly hold himself separate from violence. Guns are literally within reach of anyone. Sadly, that’s where we put our faith, in bullets rather than human kindness.”- Koko Hekmatyar
Isn’t it depressing to consider? We place more confidence in weapons of war and violence than in charitable behavior or knowledge. Koko’s introspective thoughts will reveal to you the misery of our planet.
It is hardly shocking that violence permeates our entire globe. Even if you really are gentle, you will still be forced to engage in a lot of disgusting acts here. And it is what makes people such a threat.
15. “The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.” – Jellal Fernandes

Jellal embodies the word “sadness” well. And the quotes he uses are drawn from his own trying experiences. I can see how you could connect with it. Don’t worry, buddy; things will improve. Others are living better lives in some way as a result of your good deed of being modest and joyful.
Keep going!
14. “Are you listening God? The thing is mom and dad don’t like each other anymore. And it’s my fault for being such a useless daughter.” – Hatori Shikishima
Inside this scene, Hatori’s voice conveys her suffering palpably. And it’s so sincere that it’s difficult not to believe it. Hatori is depressed and alone. not as a result of somebody not in her life. No, it is indeed her parents’ strained relationship that makes her feel unworthy. Never argue in front of your children, when you’re a parent. Some depressing lessons may be learned from it.
13. “The scariest thing about killing people is getting used to it! When you kill someone and realize you won’t be punished… That’s when people forget all about punishment.” – Rentaro Satomi

With regard to shootings by police as well as the military, there is indeed a gloomy amount of truth to all this. Power may occasionally bring up risky, unethical circumstances. Even worse is that they often get away with it.
A crime that none of us can commit is murder. One thing about individuals who do commit heinous acts, though, is that as they grow used to it, they stop worrying about getting caught. And as a result, they are both considerably more terrifying and breathtaking. It is not funny to end someone’s life.
You really shouldn’t even consider it.
12. “All this time, I seriously thought that it’s better to die than to live your life alone.” – Kirito
If you’re still breathing, young, active, and capable, dying is a wasted decision. One of the most well-known heroes in the world of anime series is Kirito. And this comment from him demonstrates how he viewed death as being preferable to life. However, he soon comes to the realization that life always comes first.
11. “Rock, if you think about it, other than this, what do we really value in life? God? Love? Don’t make me laugh. When I was a brat, crawling around in that shithole city, it seemed God and Love were always sold out when I went looking. Before I knew better, I clung to God and prayed to Him every single night — yeah, I believed in God right up until that night the cops beat the hell out of me for no reason at all. All they saw when they looked at me was another little ghetto rat. With no power and no God, what’s left for a poor little Chinese bitch to rely on? It’s money, of course, and guns.” – Revy Rebecca

The words inside this Black Lagoon quote are so heartbreaking, dismal, and F’d up. Nevertheless, it presents a realistic picture of some realities of life that we frequently ignore. This kind of thinking is also reasonable when you had an unpleasant childhood through no blame of your own.
Revy, as you read this remark, it shouldn’t be too difficult to infer that Rebecca had a terrible background. She is demonstrating here that the most important things in life are wealth and weapons.
Inside this physical reality, you must essentially value power and influence. Concepts that are abstract lack any power and significance. And Revy’s initial encounter is where all of this stems from.
10. “The two of us aren’t so different. My whole life I’ve desired from others. i felt bitter to the people around me and I closed off my heart. And a heart that lets nothing in, will become empty before you realize it.” – Mei Aihara
The very worst place to proceed in life is empty. You feel like you are the walking dead, and life has no purpose anymore. This quotation has a relationship with the speaker. Mei always has been a recluse, which has prevented her heart from accepting people who don’t fit there.
Her heart, nevertheless, is now empty since she no longer lets anybody in. Looks empty since nobody is present.
9. “Kakarot… please… destroy Frieza… He made me what I am. Don’t…let him… do it… to anyone else. whatever it takes… Stop him… Please.” – Vegeta

Vegeta tops the list of anime or DBZ moments if I had to pick just one. It’s difficult to witness a man with a strong exterior cry out in dread of his own demise. And in his final moments, shed tears like a tiny baby to Goku. A standout among the saddest anime sequences ever.
This touching scene would be remembered by all who followed the program. Vegeta begged Goku to defeat Frieza after accepting his situation. The anime version of this sequence was much more moving, but you’re not the only one that is wiping away tears just thinking about it.
What a masterpiece Dragon Ball Z is.
8. “There are people in this world who don’t understand that what they consider a harmless prank can deeply hurt someone else.” – Mio Nishizono

Mio Nishizono is just a lonely girl who is treated as if she does not really exist by everyone. Her message resonates with me, too. Occasionally, we lose sight of the fact that even the simplest of deeds may permanently alter someone. Even just calling someone “Fatty” might enrage them.
We must thus always keep in mind that we are in charge of ourselves. There are plenty of people in our world who can be made fun of. Sadly, it isn’t always the best response.
7. “I think death is equally terrible for everyone. Young people, old people, the good, the bad; it’s always the same. It’s rather fair in its treatment. There’s no such thing as a particularly terrible death, that’s why it’s frightening.” – Sunako
In this quotation, Sunako is attempting to emphasize the significance of death. It is astonishing that it may occur to everyone and anyone else without any “Reservation.” But it also implies that you can’t shield yourself from it indefinitely. And this is what makes dying so terrifying. Each day, there are several opportunities for you to pass away. If you have the chance, start counting them.
6. “They call certain methods of fighting good and others evil, acting as if there were some nobilities to the battlefield. Such illusions, perpetrated by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths, all for the sake of this valor and glory.” – Kiritsugu Emiya
My guy Kiritsugu said this in reference to the display of glory on the battleground. He is confronting the false perceptions that people hold about the battle and its subtypes.
This leads individuals to believe that some procedures are holy while others are impure. And throughout history, this idea has only served to kill many men.
5. “I’m such a hopeless idiot. All this time and I haven’t grown up one bit. I thought maybe the rain would wash away some of this gloom that’s been following me… but right now, every drop that hits my face is even more depressing.” – Edward Elric

We cannot dispute that Edward Elric’s living was nothing short of misery in the past. He still strives to live each day to the fullest and continues to look up to the realities.
The reality that he’s not requesting you to fully disregard your sad moments is crucial to keep in mind in this situation. Rather, he is urging us to face our past head-on and draw lessons from it. WE’LL HAVE A VIBRANT FUTURE THANKS TO THAT.
4. “I always believed that everyone in this world was far nicer and smarter than me. That no matter how unlikeable they seemed to be, they still had a good conscience and had justifiable circumstances for acting the way they did. That’s why I hated myself for being so timid and depressed when I didn’t even have any good reason for doing so. …But now I see that there actually are people who’re despicable in every way and don’t blink twice at ruining another’s life.” – Punpun Onodera
Punpun, while not strictly an “anime character,” is so fantastic that I simply cannot help but include him. Also, if you’ve not completed the series, skip the quote because it contains spoilers. For those who are aware of what is occurring, you guys are sobbing already, though.
Given that it is Punpun, what else did you anticipate?
3. “Was I able to live inside someone’s heart? Was I able to live inside your heart? Do you think you’ll remember me at least a little? You’d better not hit ‘reset!’ Don’t forget me, okay? That’s a promise, okay? I’m glad it’s you, after all. Will I reach you? I hope I can reach you.” ― Kaori Miyazono

Yet another saying that is quite meaningful to the viewers of the show. Even by itself, Your Lie in April is a fantastic animation. However, after seeing the series, you would know how depressing and heartbreaking this comment was.
However, this grief is not a bad thing. It’s uplifting and inspiring. Imaginary, huh?
2. “So how about we become monsters together? And turn this world upside down? So that… nothing bad… or sad… would remain.” – Homura Akemi

Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica anime stated this statement, and I can’t be stressed enough about just how graphic this scenario was. It could make you all break down in tears till you’re completely exhausted and leave you feeling broken.
As usual, I won’t give any spoilers, but I can assure you that Madoka Magica may be your greatest time investment if you’re seeking some amazing amusement.
1. “It doesn’t bleed, but I have been having a lot of pain around here.” – Gaara

Gaara, a man with a horrible background, doesn’t appear to be able to perceive any blood near his chest. But even so, it hurts! Why is that? Well, it’s due to people who are close to him. He feels intense anguish in his heart because of how they abused him and because of who he is. Heartaches and tragedies’ agony shaped him into the person he is today.
Let’s all just state that his entire upbringing was nothing short of a nightmare. Unquestionably one of the most depressing aspects of anime. You have it then, weebs.