Even though most fans were somewhat dissatisfied with the conclusion, Game of Thrones is one of the most critically regarded TV shows ever and has the best female cast.
The program is renowned for its vicious characters, deft political intrigue, and gripping action scenes that have become the gold standard for contemporary fight scenes. The moral complexity of the characters is one of the series’ most appealing elements.
While certain characters, like Ramsay Bolton and Joffrey Baratheon, have little to no admirable features, other feelings, like others throughout the season, vacillate between good and evil.
It’s challenging to rank the Game of Thrones women just on their likeability because they range in strength and personality, and some of the vilest figures are also some of the best-written. However, character depth is just as crucial as likeability for the Game of Thrones characters.
The throne, over which so much blood was spilled, turned to slag; the queen, who hadn’t had the opportunity to capture it as her own, died in its shadow; and the dragon, who had lit thousands of individuals on fire at her command, flew off into the falling ashes in the direction of no one knows where.
What’s left is a council of outcasts, a wise and content king, and a rebuilt, slightly altered, possibly improved kingdom. There is no glorified golden period, no heroic prophesied heir to the throne, and no delight in witnessing the karmic punishment of virtue and evil. All that is left to more straightforward, lighter fiction in Game of Thrones.
There might be spoilers ahead; thus, read at your own risk!
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Shae
Whether you think Shae (Sibel Kekilli) is a wonderful person, she plays a vital role in the first four seasons and Tyrion’s storyline. However, there isn’t much to write about about character development. She is strong, intelligent, and, it turns out, a touch vengeful.
Until she falls in love with Tyrion, her primary motivation is survival; after that, she switches to playing the scorned lover, a role that has been played countless times. This Game of Thrones female character is undoubtedly loved by many.
2. Margaery Tyrell
Natalie Dormer has performed several roles as the power-hungry temptress, a typical feminine stereotype.
So although Margaery’s persona is a bit of a cliché, she’s nevertheless quite watchable on-screen and stands out from other femme Fatales thanks to her love for her brother and grandmother. Not an easy situation, but she came very close to eliminating Cersei (Lena Headey) for good. And is undoubtedly one of the hottest females
characters in the show.
3. Brienne Of Tarth
One of the series’ most popular characters is Brienne of Tarth.
Brienne of Tarth overcame the challenges of living in a violent, sexist culture by becoming one of Westeros’ best warriors and later becoming the first female knight in the Seven Kingdoms. She’s unlike many other characters in the show.
Brienne is much like Ned Stark because she has one of the most vital senses of duty and honor in the entire series.
Brienne should be at the top of this list, without a doubt. This Game of Thrones female character is undoubtedly loved by many. She’s a good person too.
4. Arya Stark
When Arya(Maisie Williams) rushed at the Night King and was briefly stopped, she cunningly dropped her dagger, caught it with the other hand, and stabbed the Night King, ending the Long Night and the White Walker invasion. This was one of the most contentious events in Game of Thrones history.
Even while this is debatable, it cannot be denied that Arya struck the strike that finally spared Westeros from certain death (unless Cersei had a master plan, of course). She’s a fearsome fighter.
This beautiful woman thus deserves to be considered one of the most heroic because she is loved from the first season.
5. Sansa Stark
One of the most intriguing characters in the story is Sansa Stark. Again, Sophie Turner did a fantastic job with this one.
At the beginning of the series, the eldest daughter of Ned Stark was an innocent child who was made to live in Kings Landing with the cruel Joffrey Baratheon for several years.
Here, she witnessed her father’s passing and learned of the murders of her brother and mother while Joffrey made fun of them in front of her.
Nevertheless, she eventually began to pick up the Game, assisting Jon Snow in his victory over Ramsay Bolton and, in the final season, securing the north’s independence. She’s one of the most important characters in Game of Thrones. And is undoubtedly one of the hottest female characters in the show.
6. Olenna Tyrell
Queen of Thorns Olenna is undoubtedly one of the most adored characters in Game of Thrones Ty,rell.
The matriarch of House Tyrell, portrayed by the deceased great Diana Rigg, is known as the Queen of Thorns because of her biting remarks.
Her most courageous act was the flawless execution of a scheme to assassinate the cruel and loathed Joffrey Baratheon.
Although poisoning a child isn’t usually considered heroic, the hatred for Joffrey undoubtedly contributed to the impression that it was. Nevertheless, she is one of the most beautiful women in the show.
7. Yara Greyjoy
One of the most underappreciated characters in the series is Yara Greyjoy. One of the most intriguing individuals on the Iron Islands is Theon’s sister, Asha Greyjoy, in the books.
Like Brienne, Yara is a woman in a strongly patriarchal culture, yet she can transcend these gendered barriers (for the most part).
She may have displayed her most extraordinary bravery when she sacrificed everything to save Theon from Ramsay Bolton, but she also refrained from taking part in the Battle of Winterfell to fight the Others.
8. Ygritte
As Jon Snow’s romantic lead and another example of a strong-willed woman in Game of Thrones rebelling against a sexist system, Ygritte ( Rose Leslie ) is one of the most enduring characters in the series.
Although it may be less evident in the television series, this is even more explicit in the books: in Wildling society, men “own” women, yet Ygritte is the one who “contends” Jon.
9. Margaery Tyrell
Queen Margaery Tyrell, the granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell, who married Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon and, as a result, began to fight with Cersei Lannister, is a favorite fan personality in the series.
Margaery Tyrell occupies a rather middle-of-the-road position on this list, even though she did nothing exceptionally terrible or heroic. And he is undoubtedly one of the hottest female characters in Game of Thrones.
10. Missandei
One of the most intriguing characters in the series is Missandei, who Nathalie Emmanuel portrays.
After being set free by Daenerys, Missandei decided to stick with Dany, serving as her translator and confidante to the Dragon Queen in later series.
The character’s finest courageous moments are when Missandei fiercely defends Daenerys, refuses to hear anybody speak ill of Dany, and refuses to submit to her execution.
11. Melisandre
Among the most significant characters in Game of Thrones is Melisandre, the Red Priestess. She travels to Westeros in quest of Azor Ahai and ultimately revives Jon Snow to aid in the fight against the White Walkers and the ‘Great Other’ menace. She is one of the best Game of Thrones female characters and a favorite of many.
12. Daenerys Targaryen
The character of Daenerys Targaryen is debatable. However, Daenerys was unquestionably a heroic figure for most of the series. Daenerys Targaryen set free slaves all over Essos and even banded together with Jon Snow to confront the threat posed by the White Walkers.
But it can be difficult to view someone as a hero after committing a war crime, as Daenerys Targaryen did in the famed “The Bells” scene.
13. Cersei Lannister
The fact that Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey, British actress) maintained her malicious viewpoint over the whole series allows her to claim the top spot on this list, even if she didn’t amass a body count the way Daenerys did. Cersei changed from a young, innocent girl to a vengeful,
a bitter and intelligent woman with a drinking problem due to experiencing abuse at the hands of her husband during his episodes of intoxication and being forced to conceal her incestuous relationship with her brother.
She threatened Westeros by refusing to assist in defending the Seven Kingdoms against the menace of the Others, even though she demolished the Great Sept of Baelor to exact retribution on the Sparrows. One of the best main characters, without a doubt.
14. Osha
We are thrilled she flourished in the Game of Thrones despite having a limited part in the novel Wildling Woman turned epic babysitter.
In her introduction, Osha (Natalia Tena) attacks Bran, and in the end, she dies for him and Rickon. When Robb and Theon took Osha as a prisoner, her heart immediately went to the two youngest Stark children.
She immediately adopted those roles and continued to play them well into the sixth season. She is one of the best Game of Thrones female characters and gives the vibes of the main character.
15. Catelyn Stark
As the sister of Lysa and Edmure Tully and the daughter of Hoster Tully, the Lord Paramount of the Trident, Lady Catelyn Stark (née Tully) was raised in House Tully.
She was Eddard Stark’s wife and the mother of his five kids. Despite her imperfections, the matriarch of the Stark family is one of the series’ greatest actors.
Mother of five, Catelyn (Michelle Fairley), is primarily motivated by her love for her family. Still, her terrible treatment of Jon Snow demonstrates that she seems unable to feel love for a kid who is not her own.
As the daughter of Hoster Tully, Catelyn Stark, née Tully, was raised in House Tully. She wed into the House Stark by her union with Eddard Stark.
Where To Stream Games Of Thrones?
HBO Max, which you can access on streaming devices like Apple TV and Chromecast, has the Emmy-winning series accessible.
The Roku Channel, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video offer HBO as an add-on.
The show is also available through other platforms like Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, Apple TV, Amazon, and Google Play.
The series’ conclusion sparked a limitless fountain of fan ire, including lengthy Twitter threads and an actual petition asking HBO to start the eighth season again from scratch.
The complaints, for the most part, seem typical of the “Peak TV” era: the outrage you’d anticipate from the kind of people who have read Emilia Clarke’s traumatized, brutal Daenerys Targaryen as a one-dimensional message about girl power, anger that such and such a character “deserved” some specific conclusion they didn’t get.
Instead, much of it concerns how viewers perceive their dissatisfaction with the show’s shortcomings.