The popular anime series Bungou Stray Dogs has its fourth series out on 5th Jan 2023. The show gets aired on a weekly basis, with one dropping in every week. On 28th June 2019, it closed its third season, and since then, fans have been waiting to receive any news about the renewal of the series. And Yeehaw, it’s here. The manga series is written by Kafka Asagiri, with compelling illustrations by Sango Harukawa, and the series was first released in April 2016. It was initially serialized in the manga magazine Young Ace since its inception in 2012.
When will Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4 be Released?
The third season’s cliffhanger establishes that the producers are not done with Bungou Stray Dogs’ story arc. The manga series has 20 volumes in it, and the third season adapts the thirteenth volume of the manga, concluding the plot on chapter 53. The fourth season will be having a total of 13 episode. Each episode will be getting released on a weekly basis from 5th January 2023. However, likely, the production period will not stretch for long considering the relatively swift production speed of the previous seasons.
After the release of season one in 2016, season two followed later in the same year. Season three, however, had a three-year gap, premiering in 2019. However, it is certainly guaranteed that the series is making its return for its next chapter. Takuya Igarashi is the director of the anime series.
Besides the anime series, an Original Video Animation (OVA) known as ‘Bungou Stray Dogs: Hitori Ayumu’ had made its release in 2017. In addition, there is also the film ‘Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple,’ which was released in March 2018.
What About the Cast of Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4?
Yuto Uemura plays the voice actor for the protagonist of the series, Atsushi Nakajima. Mamuro Miyano voices Osamu Dazai. Kensho Ono plays the voice actor for Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Kisho Taniyama plays Chuya Nakahara, and Yoshimasa Hosoya plays Det. Doppo Kunikida. While these cast members in the previous seasons, it is still almost the same cast members in the fourth installment. The show had gained a lot of fans in the first three seasons. Hopefully, the show keeps drawing in more viewers with each episode releasing by every week since January 5th, 2023.
What is the Series All About?
The plot of Bungou Stray Dogs revolves around Atsushi Nakajima. He gets thrown out of an orphanage and saves detective Osamu Dazai from drowning (while committing suicide). Osamu possesses supernatural powers and deals with complex detective cases, and Atsushi becomes closely involved in his life as a detective while walking down the same path. Atsushi had once transformed himself into a ferocious white tiger at moonlight without making a conscious attempt. Osamu Dazai makes Atsushi a part of his detective organization owing to his supernatural ability.
What is Likely to Happen in Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4?
The last few episodes of Bungo Stray Dogs season 3 adapt the ‘Cannibalism Arc’ from the thirteenth volume. It marks a new character named Fyodor Dostoyevsky (named after the famous Russian author who has written Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment), whom Dazai nicknames as ‘Demon.’
Dostoyevsky leads the criminal organization, Rats in the House of the Dead. It is the fourth story arc, and subsequently, another arc follows, called the ‘Decay of Angels’ arc named after another criminal organization of which Dostoyevsky is a part. It is still an ongoing arc that is likely to follow into the fourth season of Bungou Stray Dogs. The other members are Kamui, Bram Stoker, Nikolai Gogol, and Sigma, who possess terrifying abilities as members of a terrorist organization and operate as a murder association.
HBO Max added this series to its library in July 2020. It is among the few animes on HBO’s streaming list, and you can watch the previous three seasons before all the 13 episodes of the fourth installment of Bungou Stray Dogs gets released. The season 4 of Bungou Stray Dogs will have 13 episodes, each releasing after an interval of 6 days, starting from 5th January 2023. Keep Binging.