Kakegurui is an anime series that revolves around the students’ lives at Hyakkou Private Academy, which is an elite educational institution. The students are ranked based on their educational achievements and their excellence in sports and other co-curricular. In a competitive environment like this, the ones who couldn’t perform better were taunted and faced humiliation from their peer.
All this changed when Yumeko Jabami, an outsider and a transfer student join the; first aired in 2017. Kakegurui returned for the second season in 2019, which has fueled the rumors of the release of a third season. Kakegurui is inspired from Japanese manga series that Homura Kawamoto created with Tooru Naomura as the illustrator.
The series in the first two seasons revolved around different situations the friends and enemies found themselves during their time in school. If a third season is made, it will be interesting to see what the makers have in store or the audience.
When is it Releasing?
There hasn’t been any official confirmation about the release date of Kakegurui season 3, neither from Netflix nor from the studio Mappa, that makes animes. Given the huge popularity of both the seasons of Kakegurui, the fans are eagerly waiting for the release of season 3. Even though there has been no official announcement regarding the release date of Kakegurui season 3, it seems that it is about time as the first two seasons were released at a gap of two years.
The pandemic may have pushed the working of the show behind. But we can surely expect season 3 of Kakegurui in near future.
Expected Cast and Plot
Revolving around students’ lives at Hyakkou Private Academy, an elite educational institution, Kakegurui is a popular manga anime series of Japan. Yumeko, a transfer student, has changed the course of the school environment in many ways and is the protagonist.
Saori Hayami voices her. Yumeko has a bunch of friends who are Ryota Suzui, Mary Saotome, Itsuki Sumeragi, who have been portrayed in a positive shade, and Rei Batsubami, along with Kiarari Momobami, who plays more of a negative character.
Even though both seasons concluded completely, there are several threads in the second season, such as the end coin toss between Rei and Yumeco for the presidential candidate election vote auction. It seems unclear whether Yumeco wins or what happens to Rei, who becomes human with a different name. The makers might want to bring forth these aspects in season 3.
We can clearly see that there were many scenes that were left untied in season 2 of Kakegurui. We expect those to be sorted and connected to the missing dots in Season 3 of Kakegurui.
Where to Watch Season 1 & 2?
The first two seasons of the Japanese Manga Anime series Kakegurui were aired on Netflix in 2017 and 2019, respectively. If a season 3 is to be released, even though not confirmed yet, it is more or less sure that Kakegurui season 3 will be released on Netflix.
As of now, there isn’t any confirmation regarding the release of the third season of Kakegurui from the makers. And it has led to several speculations regarding whether season 3 will be released or not in 2023.
But one thing is for sure. The production house of this master creation knows that it has a huge audience. An audience that loved every second of the cinematic art. And a massive set of fans worldwide that is eagerly waiting for the show to happen.
If anything, we can tell for sure. Such huge amount of fan following and demand from the crowd will not be overlooked. Afterall, it is the love we have for show which keeps it going. So sure, they may be a delay in the release of the season 3 of Kakegurui. But under no circumstance does that mean there will not be a second part to it.
After all, there are so many sub-plots left to be explored for Kakegurui season 3.