Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan is a Japanese anime series that was first released on July 6, 2021, and is based on a Japanese manga series of the same name by GakuKuze. The plotline of the series revolves around the life of Uramichi Omota, who works on a children’s show and is hard hit by the depressing reality of life and is constantly put in a difficult situation by his colleagues.
Even though Uramichi puts up a happy face despite his difficulties, his true feelings of sadness are often seen when he teaches kids important life lessons. There are a total of 13 episodes in the first installment of the animated series based on a Japanese manga, and the audience and critics have appreciated it for its content. The series that was released in July had its finale episode aired in September 2021 and is definitely a must-watch.
Where To Watch?
The animated series Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan was first released on July 6, 2021, on Netflix and is available for streaming on Netflix. The series is also available for watching on different websites like gogo anime and just watch; however, how authentic the source is cannot be said.
If one wants to watch the Japanese Manga adaptation, one can definitely turn to Netflix. Whether Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan can be streamed on other OTT platforms is confirmed yet, and as of now, it is available only on Netflix.
Review Of Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan
The plotline of the series revolves around the life of Uramichi, an ex-gymnast who works on a children’s show and is hard hit by the depressing reality of life and is constantly put in a difficult situation by his colleagues. Even though Uramichi puts up a happy face despite his difficulties and quite often, his true feelings of sadness are seen when he teaches kids important life lessons.
The series is comparatively more episodic in nature as compared to other animes, and one can enjoy any episode of the series without even the need to watch the entire series to understand the plot. Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan is a comedy series with many fun elements that will definitely make the audience roll with laughter, such as Iketeru’s obsession with Richard Freeman or Uramichi’s funny and weird costumes. The dark humor is definitely a breath of fresh air and depicts the various complexities that adults face in their lives.
The main characters like Uramichi, Utano, and Iketaru hint at the children on different aspects of marriage, jobs, and social etiquettes. At times, they are cynical most of the time, which makes them trust no one. However, despite their complexities, they manage to put on a happy face and impart some hard-hitting life lessons in the wake o a comical series. The series is definitely a must-watch for everyone, especially the adults who might find it highly relatable.