The drama series Mo Dao Zu Shi is based on a novel by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu that aired on the Donghua ONA in 2018. The story focuses on Wei Wuxian, a former disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan and one of the creators of Demonic Cultivation. The first siege of the burial mounds took place 13 years ago, during which he was killed. Mo Xuanyu performs a sacrifice ritual that results in Wei Wuxian returning to the mortal world, reuniting with his friend Lan Wangji.
Release Date for Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3
An original release of Mo Dao Zu Shi was on 9 July 2018, making it one of Donghua’s most popular series. Within a few episodes of its premiere, this series earned such admiration that a new season is being filmed, and Season 3 was finally released. A few more episodes will be released in the future episodes of Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 have been aired. Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 Episode fans eagerly anticipate four premiere dates following the premiere of the previous episode.
On 28 August 2021, Mo Zu Shi will premiere its fourth episode of Season 3. The countdown has begun, and only a few days remain. Tencent Video is currently showing the season in China and certain other Asian countries. The episodes are available on WeTV for international viewers.
Is it Worth Waiting?
Our last Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 episode explored the spirit who visited Wuxan and Zhan. So we could relate to her and learn about what her story is all about. Xiao Xingchen and Yi City were two dead cities before they became a home for the dead. A blind Qingchen is revealed the name of the girl. Yang, however, has been bullying her. Like Yang, he, too, attempts to follow Xingchen on a mission but only acts like an incompetent student. Yang is defeated at the end of the episode.
Nevertheless, someone had come to save him at the last possible moment before he died, plus, the vigilantes involved in the matter of Yi City had been resolved. So, Yang completes his story of longing for Candy to become what he is today as he battles Taoist Xiao.
In response to everyone’s curiosity, Yang tells Qing and Xingchan the story he has kept for himself. Yang soon becomes one of the first bodies to be born and confronts Xiao. Yang disappears when he uses fog to cause hallucinations. The group experiences happy times until Yang murders the only Taoist who protected Qing. Someone attempts to attack the real side of things while Zhan and Wei Wuxan are observing memories.
Thus, Wuxan answers Yang’s corpses with the death of his own. Therefore, Yi City has come to an end. Wuxan states that he cannot bring back an individual who lacks the will to live. But the question remains, despite the fact certainly with Yang defeated, for now, that was what Mo Dao Zu Shi suggested in the previous episode. By allowing the ghost of Qing to haunt Yi City, it was transformed into the dark city of corpses.
Right now, it looks like Yi City is starting anew with episode 4. As things turned out, he died. That’s why it’s called Yi City Arc. The last moment of survival saved Yang when he was about to die. Upon the conclusion of the previous episode of Mo Dao Zu Shi, Yang is defeated for now, and the only thing left to do now is to wait and see where the story goes from here.