The anime industry, exclusively based in Japan, has grown to be called ‘Disney of the East’ and has attracted teens and young adults worldwide. Mob Psycho 100 was yet another intriguing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by ONE. Full of action, comedy, and supernatural mysticism, its first season premiered between July and September 2016. Its second season was aired later in 2019. It is fascinating to see the fans of this mystical sci-fi anime waiting for yet another season though its last season aired two years back.
Following the speculations regarding the release of its third season, the final date of the announcement can be expected in the latter half of 2021 or early 2022. The series was blessed with an exquisite script, having several dialogues that motivated the audience while entertaining them with witty humor. Moreover, teenagers can relate to it in the best possible manner. The protagonist himself is not just a youngster who struggles because he is psychic, but because he is a psychic who has lost direction.
What was the Series about?
Shigeo Kageyama, portrayed as an average middle school boy nicknamed Mob, actually possesses extraordinary psychic powers. From a young age, he could bend a spoon and lift objects with his abilities. Soon enough, he started receiving negative reactions as people observed him. Therefore, he chose to keep his talent latent and attempted to live like the others his age. To stay disciplined, he lives a life subdued under mental turbulence. For learning to control his abilities, Mob serves as an assistant to a con-man Reigen Arataka, who is yet another self-proclaimed psychic.
Mob unduly desired to lead a normal life like the other children of his age group, but trouble followed him on every path he follows. Soon enough, his subdued emotions start growing steadily, and his powers become intractable, making him push his limits as he eventually encounters other espers when he starts working for a wealthy client named Asagiri Masashi. Packed with action, psychic mystery, and thrill, it is a series that is, to date, recommended to those who’ve recently stepped into the world of anime.
What do the Fans Say?
Fans believe that another season is likely to be released soon enough. The second season was concluded by portraying Mob losing all his abilities. The viewers were taken aback and emotionally stirred as they wanted Mob to have an ecstatic life after all he had been through. They looked forward to a better ending. They’re expecting season three to be full of tragic twists and mysteries. This has made sure that the excitement in them towards the series never dies.
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Mob Psycho 100 is a series that would rejuvenate your penchant for anime if you’re getting bored of mediocrity. It is refreshing, different, and has an outstanding blend of action and humor. In addition, it was a series that had received recognition worldwide because of its outstanding presentation of themes, character development, and its unique concepts of heroism.