The animation studio MAPPA’s original Japanese anime TV series, RE-MAIN, will release episode 11 on September 26. Helmed by Kiyoshi Matsuda, the series premiered its debut episode on July 24, 2021. The series has a screenplay by Masafumi Nishida. It is a sports anime, centering its premise on water polo. Minato Kiyomizu is the water polo of his school; however, he meets with an accident that because of which he enters into coma.
He wakes up 203 days later, but he cannot recall anything that has happened to him in the past three years. He decides to play water polo again, but he is not able to recall his skills. Hence, he needs to get through the game only via the rules. The series revolves around Minato’s attempt to gain back what he has lost. As the eleventh episode is set to release, you need to catch up with a few important details.
When and Where to Watch RE-MAIN Episode 11?
MAPPA’s anime, RE-MAIN, is available for streaming on Funimation. You can watch it with English subtitles. The water-polo anime is only available on Hulu Japan, which makes it likely that it will soon be available for streaming on Hulu US. RE-MAIN is also in ANIPLUS. The upcoming episode 11 will mark the finale of the series. It will release on September 26, at 1:30 am.
Speculations for Episode 11 and Recap of the Previous Episode
The forthcoming final episode is titled “Pass It! Pass it to Me!”. It will mark the initiation of the rivalry between various water polo players. Minato will be challenging Momo to display his skills for proving who is the best at the game. In the previous episodes, Minato had to undergo challenging and rigorous training alongside his team. They come to realize that only 30 days are left before the grand tournament of Water Polo starts.
As Minato sits with his family to enjoy his meal, his sister talks about the tournament. Minato asks her not to come to the game since he may lose. His father asks him to keep a healthy gaming spirit. He enquires if they are okay with him playing Water Polo, with her mother replying in positive. He talks about the accident, and his family feels sorry about it. His mother says that she wants him to continue playing Water Polo, not because of the accident.
Instead, she wishes him to do what he loves. Minato says that he is keen on showing Shogaku who is the real champion. Minato is adamant to train the team the way he wants and decides what role each will assume during the training session. In episode 10, “It’s the Only Way I Know To Win,” which was dropped on September 19, Ejiro does not comply with the tactics of Minato. Eijiro pledges to prove his talent at the game.
Episode 11 will mark the ending of the current season of the water-polo anime series, RE-MAIN. You can watch the episode on September 26 on Funimation.